

First They Came For Alex Jones

And I spoke my mind, because I refused to be complicit while the 20th Century repeats itself through this disturbing precedent.

I will not be silenced. I will not be next.

Freedom Forever. Freedom For All.

Freedom of Speech. Forever.

That is all.

- M. E. Grimm

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The most dangerous phrase in the language is, “we’ve always done it this way.”

“Come on, let’s mix it up!” The heart surgeon says.

“B-but we’ve always done it this way!” The other replies, “this is how you replace a heart valve.”

“That’s the most dangerous phrase in the human language!” The first surgeon replies haughtily as he inputs a fruit loop into the patient’s heart. “This will be his valve. He will be a fruit loop in a world of Cheerios.”

(taken from this post on the experiments of Harry Harlow)

This is serious business, because this is a large part of how sexism, racism, homophobia, rape culture, ethnocentrism, etc. continue to happen.

The reason we do heart surgeries the way we do is not “because that’s what we’ve always done.”  It’s because that’s how year of scientific research says will give the best results.  One of the best uses of the scientific method is to test common practice, and either eliminate it or give it legitimacy. Don’t do things because “that’s what we’ve always done,” do them because that is what evidence and research say we should do.

Saying “we’ve always done it this way” justifying maintaining a harmful societal norm is dangerous. We can do better.

Actually, the most dangerous phrase in the human language is: “I want the power to change the world.”

Because though we consider such a phrase noble in principle, it is critical to remember one cannot say it without making the statement; “I want POWER.”

And if history has taught us anything, it is that you must NEVER trust people who deal only in power; regardless if they are oppressors making such statements, or the oppressed seeking to take their place.

Think of yourselves. Think FOR yourselves.

That is all.

- M. E. Grimm

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