#anti dean x rory



okay but jess was honestly the most realistic and normal teenage relationship rory had. dean was bordering on abusive and their relationship was too serious for their age. logan’s entire existence is just unrealistic if we’re being real (and this is coming from a lower middle class kid going to a rich people college). jess had major issues (adhd, avpd, and ptsd are just some of the possibilities) but when he was actually with rory he was just your average kinda nerdy 17 year old with a crush and to expect “reliability” from him is insane. I think my generation has been jaded to a point of no return because the idea that jess is anything but a kid who needs help is insane. he is not an adult who’s supposed to make it on his own in the world. he’s school should have supported him more and they should have called luke the second he got to 10 absences.

I also hear a lot of people call dean clingy and needy so I need to clarify that dean is neither of those things, he is obsessive. they way jess becomes attached to and partially dependent on rory might be clingy and needy but dean is NOT. he is far worse.

also can we talk about how sad it is that rory was probably the first person to make jess feel safe enough to just be a kid and not an adult

back to my point about school I saw someone say he would have been better off at a school like Chilton and honestly yeah. the work load would have kept him more engaged and private schools are notorious for actually caring about their students which you see clearly with Chilton. they would have called Luke after the first unexcused absence.

also he’s issues don’t excuse what happened at the party. obviously he had no intention on SAing her that’s clear from how slow he is to approach kissing her so she has time so say no because his verbal communication sucks so much just asking makes him anxious. and on top of that he said she did nothing wrong and went after her to apologize once it clicked what was probably going through her head. but with that said he was a little pushing about it when she pushed him away but even he said he didn’t even know what to think anymore (about anything going on with himself really). he raised his voice and snapped at her because he was frustrated with himself and that fact that she was pushing him to talk about what was going on when he didn’t want to. does this give him the right to raise his voice at her? absolutely not but he was going to apologize so I assume he knew what he did wrong

anyway that scene is not as bad as it’s made out to be and honestly it’s one of those scenes that you need to look at with a early 2000s lense because it would have probably been interpreted completely different back then

also why didn’t she want to bring him to her prom? like she brought dean to a dance a her school why not jess? he was less whiny about wearing a suit too so I can see him having more fun than dean and not getting in a fight with one of her classmates. also what tf was that “because I’ll kill you” bs with Tristan like babe your 16 calm down cool it with the fake tough guy shit
