#anti homophobia

Beautiful Human.Transgender:They’re humans like you and me and they have feelings like you and me. T

Beautiful Human.


They’re humans like you and me and they have feelings like you and me. They have the right to exist too and they should have equal rights. 
He/She is a beautiful human, with an wonderful face and pretty eyes and a fabulous body. (I know it’s lookism..) But it’s the truth. 

Stop Homo- & Transphobia !!!

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                                                 70 Jahre Befreiung des Konzentrationslagers Sachsen

                                                 70 Jahre 

Befreiung des Konzentrationslagers Sachsenhausen

Vor 70 Jahren wurde das Konzentrationslager Sachsenhausen in Oranienburg von sowjetischen und polnischen Soldaten befreit. Zwischen 1936 & 1945 wurden in dem KZ mehr als 200.000 Menschen inhaftiert. 

Kein Vergeben! Kein Vergessen!

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{ID: a tweet by Faith, user handle @/RoseOfWindsong. it reads ”Mainstream America accepts pride the same way they accept the Civil Rights Movement: only on the condition that it be framed as celebration for a battle already won in which they were always blameless and not an ongoing struggle in which they are still very much the oppressors.”/end ID}
