#anti ironman




Browsing the tag is a trip and a half, I swear.

Using the “well, he stopped selling them” argument every time Stark is criticized for selling weapons as an attempt to separate him for the trade and deaths those weapons caused for years is sign of just how privileged he was and I think it’s disingenuous to claim otherwise.

I think it is actually part of the pattern in the MCU as a whole. For a lot of designated “heroes” redemption basically means “stop doing the bad thing”.

Like, Thor simply stopped (even if not really) murdering inhabitants of other realms in imperialistic “interventions” and being openly racist towards them (again, not really) and is never even called out on it. He even gets to say “In my youth I courted war” barely a year after his last attempt at pointless murder of Jotuns. Valkyrie stopped selling slaves and it’s never mentioned again. Hell, Mobius stops supporting genocide of entire universes for made up crimes only after it becomes personal for him and is still painted as a good and righteous guy, worthy of being a judge of the morality of others.

And the ones who are villanized and get ‘redemption arcs’ are the characters who had their autonomy taken from them and couldn’t do anything to stop it…

Character who commits genocide and/or other horrible crimes then (sometimes) realizes their mistakes:

Character who is tortured and/or otherwise forced into doing something bad (even when it’s not as bad as what the first character did):




Yes, because Avengers: Endgame wasn’t sufficient in its hero worship of Iron Man. Avengers: Endgame. The movie that had Stark go “I Am Iron Man” and defeat Thanos for literally no other reason than to turn him into living myth, when there were plenty of other characters who were more suited for the job.

Because everyone was thinking during the opening scene, “Hmm, this should end with Stark fixing the ship and making it back home on his own without any help because it parallels his escape from the cave in Iron Man” because everyone’s as obsessed with Iron Man as you all think. Also, his escape from the cave wouldn’t have been possible without Yinsen, you pieces of shit. Yinsen, who hooked him up to the damn arc reactor in the first place, and saved his life when it seemed like there was no way he was getting out of there alive. Yinsen, who helped keep Raza at bay while they were building the suit. Yinsen, who sacrificed his life so Stark could escape. Because Stark’s escape from that damn cave was about his heroism and not about the fact that he had someone literally willing to sacrifice his life for Stark despite rightfully despising him. Let’s just not talk about the Afghan scientist who actually made the white man’s escape possible and gave his damn life in the process. I swear, if Ho Yinsen ever gets any recognition of the heroism and nobility of his actions in the MCU or among its stans or in the media who kiss Marvel’s and Stark’s asses, it’ll be a miracle. Because it was an Iron Man moment, right?

Imagine wanting more Iron Man ass-kissing in a movie that literally did nothing but kiss Iron Man’s ass while simultaneously disrespecting just about every other character. To take away a moment from Captain Marvel of all people.And that moment specifically. Carol’s great moment belonged to Iron Man. Why? Didn’t the movie already give her a much smaller role than you’d expect Captain Marvel to have? Imagine writing this and actually publishing it without once reflecting on how goddamn stupid you sound. Fuck these people.

Holy shit, that article is one of the worst pieces I’ve read in a long time

My favourite part is towards the end when they say this about Stark solving time travel: “The MCU had long-established the character’s genius” so they don’t question his ability to solve that or fix the Benatar, but when it comes to Carol they say: “The Russos had to take her out of the equation to make sure that she wasn’t functioning as a deus ex machina, given how powerful she was.”

So when it comes to Stark he can do anything because he’s a genius and plot-wise it makes sense for them, but if it’s Carol she has to be taken out of 95% of the freaking movie otherwise she’d be a deus ex machina.

Stark stans are such a weird breed, I swear. These people really think the MCU stands for Stark’s Cinematic Universe and the dude is a perfect character who never did anything wrong as if a lot of the stuff he did hadn’t been achieved thanks to other people (as OP rightfully points out re Yinsen).

EG had enough Stark worship, it didn’t need more. In fact the only good thing about that movie is that it killed Stark.

Ah yes, another ScreenRant offering that boggles the mind and absolutely craps canon and consistency.

Because Endgame didn’t compromise all the other characters for Stark’s sake enough.


So just Tony Stark.



idk how anyone can watch the winter soldier and not think bucky is the victim. he doesn’t owe a single person an apology. his body was turned into a weapon he couldn’t control and he was tortured/brainwashed for 70 years. it’s not that hard

i do think the situation in civil war could’ve been handled a little better than beating tony to a pulp though…

When did they best Tony to a pulp in civil war?

Berlin? Tony was fine. And Bucky was mind-controlled by Zemo for that fight.

The airport? Tony got a few scrapes and bruises, but he was otherwise fine. Also, that fight wouldn’t have happened if Tony had just listened to Steve’s explanation.

Siberia? Tony was mostly fine. However, the fight only happened because Tony kept trying to murder Bucky.Steve and Bucky had every right to defend themselves and each other! There was only one character who came out of that fight severely injured, but it sure as hell wasn’t Tony
