#anti sheriff stilinski



everytime someone ships melissa with noah or says noah stilinski was a pack dad or father figure to scott….. an angel dies.

that man didn’t give a shit about other kids over his duty and law. only stiles.

and melissa really deserved better than that hypocrite, useless but privileged man.

on one hand melissa was written as a mother figure for stiles and had a few cute moments with him. and melissa actually cared for him in a motherly way.

but noah-scott doesn’t have that relationship. scott was the kid who was his son’s best friend always hanging out and creating troubles with stiles. i can’t remember a proper one on one moment with noah and scott. there was one in 6a where noah told scott about his abusive father and his dream about stiles. but that’s it. (the next episode we see noah yelling at scott (lol)). i really don’t think he really gave a shit about scott unless he needed any help to solve crimes or there was any supernatural activity going on.

melissa-chris argent pairing totally took me by surprise, but it is PERFECT. chris is just like melissa in so many ways. also a father figure to scott. i LOVE how his relationship grew with scott. and loved it more because the link between them was not just allison. he cared for scott, trusted him, believed in him as a human and an alpha. even before allison died! loved the way chris was all concerned papa bear for scott in 6b. i never saw chris-melissa ship coming because there was only hints of peter, rafael or noah pairing with melissa. But Argent? YES. TOTALLY YES.

this way melissa and argent both got a happy ending they deserved.

Also, Chris argent was the pack dad. not noah the sheriff stilinski

What’s always hilarious is how often Melissa is there looking out for Noah. Giving him illegal access to medical records so he can pursue criminals. Helping him with information about the Darach murders and the Mute’s murder of the Walcott’s. Talking him down after he pulls a gun on Parrish. She looks after his son on multiple occasions, including abandoning her own son at home to comfort Stiles.

And the Sheriff’s response – “I know a professional werewolf hunter turned werejaguar has kidnapped your son, but I’m going to insist we follow procedure (maybe) in order to keep my son from risking his life.”

And then there’s Ouroboros (5x08). He doesn’t just refuse to bend the rules for her, helies to her about doing it.

The only good thing I can see is that not only did he deserve that slap, but it ended both the ship and their friendship. They never had a conversation again.
