

Temple of Nefertari at Abu Simbel, Egypt ,1965-1968. Photographer: Kees Scherer.

Aerial photography of the ancient city of Babylon (1900-600 BC), now in modern Iraq.

A bronze Corithian helmet and a spear head (c.600 BC) displayed in the Archaeological Museum of Corinth, Greece.

Colossal statue of Constantine, Palazzo dei Conservatori, Rome.

From left to right:

1) Bull on dolphin: Byzantion (Istanbul)

2) Owl: Athens

3) Turtle: Aigina (island in Aegean)

4) Snakes: Pergamon (W.Turkey)

5) Bull: Thourioi (South Italy)

6) Crab: Akragas (Sicily)

7) Eagle: Kroton (South Italy)

8) Ram: Melos (island in the Aegean)

9) Horse: Larissa (Thessaly-Greece)

10) Chimaira: Sikyon (Peloponnese-GR)

11) Bee: Ephesos (W.Turkey)

12) Pegasus: Corinth (Greece)

13) Dog: Segesta (Sicily)

14) Griffin: Abdera (Thrace-Greece)

15) Stag: Kaulonia (South Italy)

16) Lion: Hyele (Magna Grecia-Italy)

Have a nice evening with a beautiful picture of the temple of Poseidon.

Photo credits: George Spanoudakis

“Ophelia” by Sarah Bernhardt (1844-1923).
