#antoine duman


Oh? You’re gonna kiss me?? Not if I kiss you first

attempting some studies - and making them into antoine because it’s more fun that way

reference by @awalkonthelightside (who you can find on instagram since tumblr doesn’t let me link their blog)

Sketching some cute boys for practise and serotonin

Ok before I post anything else i should post these! Nic’s is the only new armour design but i touched up on the others to make them match better. Anyway got an ask a while back about the steps’ villain armour and i had too many thoughts and not enough time then but i will put some of it down now

Ruin (Antoine): imposive style - he wants to be noticed and build a reputation as someone powerful, this is as much a shield he’s building as the armour, but hopefully a more permanent one. His reasoning being that once he has enough of a reputation he’ll become pretty much untouchable, much like HG. 

His armour has extra strength and armour modifications. He went with those because he doesn’t want to rely on telepathy since the most important places tend to be well protected against that and he prefers to use his physical fighting skills since that’s more reliable and also something he enjoys since it’s something he’s chosen for himself to work on. 

As for the specific design of the armour it’s very much based on his villain name, Ruin, and seemingly made of rusted metal that’s falling apart. It’s a bit of a hint to the nanovores, as well as simply meant to look intimidating - a vision of the destruction he’ll cause to those that are in his way. He also wants to give the impression of someone who’s not actually fresh at the scene, even if he only recently had his “debut” as a villain. 

Lethe (Rene): mysterious style - she’s playing a long game against very dangerous opponents so she thought it was best to curate a villain persona that is careful and not very straightforward, hinting at things to make ppl draw the connections themselves. She’s also just not capable of standing out and taking up space, even as a villain. 

Her armour has extra speed and telepathy modifications, she’s not out to hurt people but she’ll take what advantages she can to reach goal, she’s already good at telepathically manipulating people so she might as well make it easier, then have some speed for a quick escape.

Devotion (Densil): functional style - not really interested in what people think of him, just getting the job done efficiently. All the same Devotion stands out with the light armour, but the sharp metallic details makes it look sterile and hostile rather than invoking anything heroic. Still, it’s insidious, from a distance Devotion may seem to be an ally. 

Devotion has extra strength and telepathy modifications. Just a full-on dps glass cannon basically, they don’t care if they die as long as they manage to hurt as many other people as possible. 

Heartbreak(Nicholas): Terrifying style - he wants others to be frightened now, it might be a bit detrimental to his cause but it’s also a part of his revenge on the world basically. Also, if people are frightened it’s less likely they get in his way, and there is a select few he’s hoping to both hurt and terrify. 

His armour has extra armour and telepathy modifications. Nicholas isn’t too confident in their fighting skills so they rely more on strategy and telepathy so having extra armour gives them the opportunity to take their time (and lets them do stupid things like monologuing…)

May add more about the others’ armour designs later

Thinking about Heartbreak

Felt like drawing the steps as, well, Sidestep

This would be like 2012-ish, so Rene is 23, Antoine is 24, Nic is 24 and Densil is 26
