#anyway unionize


My dad is retired now but during his career at a power plant he was very involved with the union

When he was in his early 20s, he worked on a grain elevator. He slipped and his foot went into the auger. He braced his other foot against the side to keep his entire leg from being pulled in until someone managed to shut the augur off about 20 seconds later. That is a long time to have your foot in this thing

(It may not have been one exactly like that, I’m not sure about the specifics, but that is what the blade would have looked like.) He almost lost his foot. People have lost their entire legs! He was very lucky, even though his foot is still scarred and gives him pain

At the time of the accident, he was sleep deprived. He had only been given 4 hours off between two 12 hour shifts

He’s never said as much, but I imagine that was something like his union origin story
