#apex legends horizon

My Horizon piece for the Nessie Adventures zine! It’s a free Apex Legends community activity book an

My Horizon piece for the Nessie Adventures zine! It’s a free Apex Legends community activity book and you can get a printable copy here.

Tag me if you decide to colour this, I’d love to see it!

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05 Beginning - 06 Heirloom - 07 Season - 08 RegretPart two of my 31 Days of Apex art from July.05 Beginning - 06 Heirloom - 07 Season - 08 RegretPart two of my 31 Days of Apex art from July.05 Beginning - 06 Heirloom - 07 Season - 08 RegretPart two of my 31 Days of Apex art from July.05 Beginning - 06 Heirloom - 07 Season - 08 RegretPart two of my 31 Days of Apex art from July.

05 Beginning - 06 Heirloom - 07 Season - 08 Regret

Part two of my 31 Days of Apex art from July.

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31 Days of Apex

Day 3: Quest

“Don’t worry, my boy. I’ll keep that promise yet, it’s just a matter of time.”
