#aph frain



Frain Week 2022

(post en français)

(post in espanol)

Welcome to this first edition of Frain week.

The even will take place between the 1st and 7th of August.

Below the prompts and the rules for the week.


Day 1: Royal / pirate

Day 2: flowers / garden / one last time

Day 3: love language / childhood

Day 4: friends to lovers / friends with benefits

Day 5: historical / dance / music

Day 6: cafe / flower shop

Day 7: Free day


  1. Tag your post the blog with @aphfrainweek. Feel free to add #frainweek2020 or #frainweek in your tags
  2. You can use one of the theme or all of them if you like.
  3. Late submissions are accepted and you are under no obligation to post for all the days.
  4. Don’t post your submission before the time. (according to your timezone)
  5. NSFW, gore, other triggering subjects are allowed as long as it is tagged properly (for NSFW posts, it can be tagged nsft, wfsn, lemon or smut) and isn’t directly shown on the post. Use read more line or external link to your art / fic / creation
  6.  No ship hate, discrimination, racism, homophobia or any other kind of hate.