


My brain is short circuiting because I had a good idea for once about the apoppy 2 storyline and it’s something I should have noticed from the start. Anyway here’s pictures of my favorite good guy with a luck streak that’s so bad he got put on the short lived pantheon as the angel of death.

I don’t even remember drawing this, I just remember it being done.

My brain is short circuiting because I had a good idea for once about the apoppy 2 storyline and it’s something I should have noticed from the start. Anyway here’s pictures of my favorite good guy with a luck streak that’s so bad he got put on the short lived pantheon as the angel of death.




if i died and came back i would be so annoying about it. i would use my second chance at life to never let it die and make it a problem for everyone. resurrecting me would be the worst possible mistake you could make, not because i’d come back wrong and evil, but because i’d come back with even more ways to be annoying than before.



it is not blood that runs through these veins but glitter gel pen ink

y'all there’s something wrong with my pen
