#apprentice linda





Hey arcana friends

Tell me what the ship name would be for your mc and their Li!!

Mine’s Asrri!


Aesra turns into Aesriel!


Leonia! Or Portie…. That’s cute to!

Nadyung! Or Mydia!

Akcio! (Sounds like a Harry Potter spell akdjsjs) or Luciat!

Also imma add Noadan for @alvrudart ’s Noah and Aedan and

Lindan or Aeda for @goatmanlucio ’s Linda and Aedan again >:3c

What about you guys???

For now, I only have Noah Cesaro so…

Noah x Asra : Asoah/Celnazar (main LI)

Noah x Muriel : Noariel (one-sided romance, mixed signals and muriel not being used to someone being so physical and affectionate led him to fall for noah, while noah considers them to be close friends)

Noah x Julian : Cesorak (prev main LI, but Noah frankly got quite tired of Julians “back-and-foward"ness and said mmbye)

As Celian mentioned- Noah x Aedan : Noadan

And my suggestions for Noah with @goatmanlucio ’s OCs:

Noah x Linda : Liah

Noah x Ludovico : Novico

AND our favorite OT3 (ludo x noah x aedan) : ludoadan



Hey arcana friends

Tell me what the ship name would be for your mc and their Li!!

Mine’s Asrri!


Aesra turns into Aesriel!


Leonia! Or Portie…. That’s cute to!

Nadyung! Or Mydia!

Akcio! (Sounds like a Harry Potter spell akdjsjs) or Luciat!

Also imma add Noadan for @alvrudart ’s Noah and Aedan and

Lindan or Aeda for @goatmanlucio ’s Linda and Aedan again >:3c

What about you guys???

Today I am feeling soft ajfdhsfs so here’s Aedan and their friends ;;w;;Noah is @alvrudart‘s apprentToday I am feeling soft ajfdhsfs so here’s Aedan and their friends ;;w;;Noah is @alvrudart‘s apprentToday I am feeling soft ajfdhsfs so here’s Aedan and their friends ;;w;;Noah is @alvrudart‘s apprentToday I am feeling soft ajfdhsfs so here’s Aedan and their friends ;;w;;Noah is @alvrudart‘s apprentToday I am feeling soft ajfdhsfs so here’s Aedan and their friends ;;w;;Noah is @alvrudart‘s apprentToday I am feeling soft ajfdhsfs so here’s Aedan and their friends ;;w;;Noah is @alvrudart‘s apprentToday I am feeling soft ajfdhsfs so here’s Aedan and their friends ;;w;;Noah is @alvrudart‘s apprentToday I am feeling soft ajfdhsfs so here’s Aedan and their friends ;;w;;Noah is @alvrudart‘s apprent

Today I am feeling softajfdhsfs so here’s Aedan and their friends ;;w;;

Noah is @alvrudart‘s apprentice and Linda is @goatmanlucio‘s!! I love them both with all my heart and so does Aedan alfdsjfsd

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so since i’m on a roll and that Linda and Aedan are my lifeblood, here are some cuddles!!! I love thso since i’m on a roll and that Linda and Aedan are my lifeblood, here are some cuddles!!! I love th

so since i’m on a roll and that Linda and Aedan are my lifeblood, here are some cuddles!!! I love them both so much

Linda is the lovely apprentice of @goatmanlucio!!!

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the woman the legend the love of my life Linda Mylasdóttir, who’s existence is all thanks to @goatma

the woman the legend the love of my life Linda Mylasdóttir, who’s existence is all thanks to @goatmanlucio who decided to bless us with this angel

she has such a SoftTM aesthetic I love her. Also, she 100% deserves flowers in her hair, fight me (btw those are forget-me-nots)

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