#arabic to english translation


“And in the end, we all turn into memories ☮️ “

“Learn to love solitude, for no one last you forever”

“When politicians agree on something, they get us ripped off.. and when they disagree, they get us killed”

“Get hooked on Cement.. For building a better future”

“Smile, nobody cares how you feel”

“I will write a novel about you, and everyone that reads it will curse you”

By Duhaeem

“إزالة الأذى عن طريق القلوب ، أعظم أجراً وأشدّ إلحاحاً من إزالة الأذى عن طريق الأقدام.”

‏- جلال الدين الرومي


“Removing harmful waste from the hearts path is more rewarding and much more needed then removing harmful waste from the paths used by feet”

Jalal ul Deen Alroomi

“Im envious of a past time with her, that I was not present in with her”

“We will one day be what we want… for the journey has not started, nor has the path ended…”

“If I ever cross your mind, pray for me”

“It is said that poems and songs were created to be gifted… “any gift for me””


“I saw heaven twice, once in her eyes and once in her laugh”

“Died, those who don’t deserve death, by the hands of those who don’t deserve life”

“I thought what’s gone was good, turns out its good that it’s gone”

“Your eyes betrayed you”

“(Off switch) logo, and below it it says the people”
