#arattaki itto


Happy Birthday to the One and Oni!

The Irodori Festival

Self-Insert, Ft. Thoma, Itto, Traveler and Paimon

Warnings:SPOILERS for a side quest in the “Hues Of The Violet Garden” event

(Photo found on Google.)

The closer I got to Ritou, the harder my heart started beating. From head to toe I was riddled with nerves, the good kind of nerves, the ‘I’m going to see him soon’ kind of nerves. These were the kinds of feelings my characters experienced in romance novels, but to actually experience them myself was kind of surreal.

Having a crush is both a great feeling and an awful feeling, if that makes any sense.

The plaza in front of the International Trade Association was decorated appropriately for the festival, not that I expected anything less from the Yashiro Commission. The shop owners looked excited to sell their festive goods and the countless stalls full of books made me curious and excited to explore new written worlds. Within the next few days, I’ll have to sit at a stall and sign my newest book for whoever decides to purchase it. I’ve never done an official book signing before, but hopefully all the hours I’ve put into those calligraphy lessons with Ayato will pay off.

‘Focus, Kare. You can browse books later.’ I reminded myself of the mission and tore my eyes from the stalls.

I found who I was looking for pretty quickly. Thoma stood a few meters away, discussing something with a vendor running a snack stall. The housekeeper was smiling and the kindness in that smile made my heart flutter, cheeks grow warm and palms start to feel sweaty. How could someone be so cute?

Too shy to walk over while he was in the middle of something, I pretended to browse a book stall while keeping my eye open for a chance to slip in.

Maybe I shouldn’t do this.’ The thought came to me as I picked up a book, sneaking a glance at the blonde as I pretended to read the summary on the first page. ‘Maybe I should just retreat back to the publishing house before he notices me.’

A heavy arm was suddenly slung over my shoulders. “Well, if it isn’t my favourite bookworm. Picking up a new story?”

I smiled at the familiar voice and looked up. Way up. “Something like that. What are you doing here? Is the gang around?”

“Yeah, they went to go snag a spot in line for that ‘Pretty Please, Kitsune Guugi?’ specialty drink everyone’s been talking about. Wanna join us?”

“Maybe later.” I glanced at Thoma again. He was still discussing things with the vendor.

Itto followed my line of sight, a stupid wide grin appearing on his face as he spit out a teasing laugh. “Oh ho hoooo, you’re finally gonna do it, are ya? Gonna tell the bus boy how you feel?”

“He is not a bus boy.” I said, deadpan as I picked up another book to look at. “And I’m going to do no such thing. I’m here to help out, that’s all.”

“Ohrealllllly? What are you hiding over here for, then?”

“I’m not gonna interrupt him while he’s busy, Itto. I can wait until he has a free moment.”

Thoma stepped away from the vendor just as I said this… only to be called be someone else a split second later. I sighed and dropped the second book, picking up a third.

“Yeah, good luck with that.” Itto patted my back, his touch a little on the rough side but I was used to it. “I’m gonna go check in on the boys. Come find me if you need me. I’m not Arataki ‘The Greatest Wingman Of All Time’ Itto for nothing.”

I playfully shook my head as he walked away. “When has anyone ever called you that?” I mumbled under my breath, but appreciated his encouragement nevertheless.

Looking down at the book in my hand, I actually took the time to examine this one. The cover of this one was unique; instead of plain leather like most books, this one had a hard cover with a tree painted on it. The tree was tall, detailed in every aspect and it’s trunk glowed with a soft yellow light. The style of the art allowed the brush strokes to be visible but by no means did it look sloppy. I wonder if Calx worked on this - he’s done illustrations for me in the past and this looks like something he would do.

The summary was on the back of the book instead of on the inside. The story was about an orphaned boy who was raised by a magical tree, and as he grew older the boy became a warrior and guardian of the forest. In this story he would face challenges and threats against the peaceful forest and must find a way to keep his home safe. Like with any book I opened it up and read the first page, immediately falling into a trance at how wonderfully the opening was worded.

“Find one you like?” A voice asked, one I recognized by the way it sent my heart hammering against my ribcage.

My head snapped up before I was ready, cheeks burning intensely and I could only pray they weren’t visibly red. Those unique and beautiful green eyes, that ever friendly and welcoming smile, how confident and put together he always seems to be, what was there not to fall for?

“Hi, Thoma.” I said, butterflies dancing in my stomach as I closed the book and set it down. “I-I’m sorry, I hope I’m not in your way.”

“No, not at all.” The kindness in his tone knocked the breath out of my lungs. “So, what brings you to Ritou today? Checking on things for Lady Miko?”

I shook my head. “Not this time. Actually, she told me to take it easy until the book signing but the festival excitement is heavy in the air and I can’t seem to sit still so I decided to come here. It’s kinda hard not to think about the festival when everyone in the city is talking about the festival.”

‘Get to the point, Kare.’ I reminded myself mid-tangent.

“Um, is there anything I can do to help? I’m sure you- the Yashiro Commission has been running around like crazy these last few days. If there’s anything I can do to ease the load…”

Thoma flashed a reassuring smile. “That’s nice of you to offer, but I’ve seen you running around just as much. You should take this time to rest. I’m sure a lot of people will be lining up to have a book signed by you.”

Feeling shy, I cast my gaze to the ground and failed to contain a giddy smile. “I doubt it, but really, I’d love to help. B-But if it would just make things more complicated, feel free to tell me to get lost, haha…”

Ireally have to stop cracking panicked jokes when I’m nervous. They only ever make things more awkward.

“Well, if you insist, I won’t turn an extra set of hands away. Would you mind dropping by the stalls outside the International Trade Association and checking in on everyone? I’ll take care of the shops surrounding the Five Kasen Plaza. Come find me if you need anything.”

Excited to be useful, I nodded and folded my hands behind my back. “You got it!”

I couldn’t help but feel a little selfish as I skipped towards the trade association with a spring to my step. Truthfully, my main motivation for being here was because I wanted to be close to Thoma but obviously I couldn’t tell him that. I could barely look him in the eye and speak properly, let alone admit I wanted to spend time with him. Even though I wasn’t here for a completely selfless reason, I was still gonna work hard to make sure the job got done well.


“Here you are.” I said, flashing the woman standing behind the counter a smile as I set a box of books down. “Is there anything else you need?”

She shook her head and returned the smile. “No, that should be enough for now. Thank you so much!”

“Of course. Take care, now.” Moving onto the next stall, I checked in on the man arranging the display of newly released light novels. “All okay over here?”

“Yeah. Actually, can I get your opinion on this arrangement?”

Folding my arms, I pinched my chin between my thumb and index finger as I looked over the display. This particular stall was selling three books: ‘Earth, Fire and Water: The Trio Of Trinity’, ‘Hell, High Water and Star-Crossed Love’, and ‘One, Two, A Thousand Times Over Again’.

“I don’t have the best knowledge in business, but I know ‘Hell, High Water and Star-Crossed Love’ is a highly anticipated release for the young adult audience. Considering that all these novels are geared towards young adults, I would put ‘Hell, High Water and Star-Crossed Love’ in the middle instead of ‘Earth, Fire and Water: The Trio Of Trinity.

“Now that you mention it, I do have more boxes of ‘Hell, High Water and Star-Crossed Love’ than the other two. That’ll work, thanks!” The man said, moving to promptly rearrange the display.

Stepping away, I put my hands on my hips and looked around the venue. All the stalls had been visited and no one else appeared to need help, so I headed back to the plaza in search of Thoma for a new job.

“Hey.” I said, nervously crossing my arms as I walked up beside the housekeeper. “Everything’s good to go in front of the trade association.”

Thoma smiled as if a weight had been lifted from his shoulders. “Thanks, Kare. You’ve been a big help. Why don’t you take a break? The food vendors are selling some limited time dishes you might not get the chance to try again.”

The word ‘break’ made me tilt my head to the side. “Maybe later… have you taken a break yet?”

He scratched the back of his head with a nervous chuckle. “No, not yet, but I will soon. I just have to deal with some trouble by the Tanuki photo board first.”

My eyebrows furrowed. “What kind of trouble can someone get into with a photo board?”

“Thoma! Kare! Over here!” A high-pitched voice called.

Looking in the direction of the voice, I found Paimon waving at us from her place beside the traveler. I was a little surprised to see them but perhaps I shouldn’t have been; those two always seemed to be everywhere at once.

“Hey, Traveler and Paimon!” Thoma greeted, approaching the pair with myself in tow. “What a nice surprise meeting you guys here.”

“Enjoying the festival?” I asked, flashing them a smile.

Paimon looked back and forth between Thoma and I. “Strange seeing you two casually walking around together. Are you guys on a date or something?”

My cheeks burned so badly I thought my skin was gonna peel off, heart beating faster then the wings of a hummingbird. “N-No! We’re working, Paimon.”

Thoma chuckled and loosely crossed his arms. “That’s right. As a matter of fact, I just heard a certain well-known individual had made an appearance at the festival and taken quite a liking to the Tanuki photo board. Since the Yashiro Comission is the host of this festival, I should probably handle this matter before it gets out of hand.”

Following Thoma’s gaze to the photo board, I spotted four faces I knew well. In fact, I had seen one of those faces earlier today.

“Itto!” I exclaimed, dashing over to the gang. “Please tell me your not the one people are complaining about.”

The oni grinned and playfully pinched my cheek, pulling it as if I were a child. “No need to worry, my little Karebear. The Traveler and the Arataki Gang are gonna settle things with a duel soon enough.”

“A duel- You can’t fight here!”

“No, no, no, no, not a battle kinda duel. Come on, Kare, do you really think the boys and I would be reckless enough to fight in a place full of people?”

He had a point. While Itto and the gang often got into trouble they wouldn’t put anyone at risk of getting hurt. “Well, no, but… What kind of duel are you having, then?”

“That’s what we’re trying to decide!” Paimon exclaimed, stomping her foot in the air out of frustration.

“Oh… a duel…” Thoma came up beside me just then and the butterflies that settled seconds ago came to life again. “In that case, I have a suggestion. Since your duel is taking place at the Irodori Festival, why don’t you have a volunteering competition? Then you can both do your part for the Irodori Festival while settling your duel at the same time. What do you think?”

I bit the inside of my cheek to hide a laugh. Not because I thought the idea was silly, but because it was plain genius.

Itto crossed his arms, the fingers of one hand pinching his chin. “Volunteering competition? Hmm, sounds a little low-key. Not quite hard-core enough for the Arataki Gang… I give this idea an interest rating of two- no, two and a half points. One for the Traveler, one for Thoma, and half for Kare.”

I raised a brow. “Why am I only a half?”

My question went unanswered as Mamoru elaborated on what Itto said. “Boss means, uh… two and a half points out of a hundred.”

‘So much for being a wingman.’ I thought, crossing my arms in displeasure.

Thoma chuckled lightheartedly. “Yeah, this job isn’t the most high-stakes, that’s for sure. It just takes a little patience and responsibility. Also, since it’s volunteering, buy definition there is no remuneration. All you’ll get is this special edition drink from Sailing Breeze as a small token of appreciation… On second thought, this is nowhere near enough for the prestigious Arataki Gang. I don’t know what I was thinking. Kare, any suggestions?”

Suddenly put on the spot, I fell back into a flustered state. “Well-”

“Wait, wait, wait a sec… What was that part about the, uh, token of appreciation?” Itto asked, suddenly sounding very interested.

“Oh, it’s just a special edition drink produced by Yae Publishing House and Sailing Breeze. It’s really nothing special.” Thoma explained.

“Boss! That’s the one!” Akira exclaimed in a rather excited tone.

“If we take this gig, we’ll get that drink!” Genta added.

Confused, I titled my head. Didn’t Itto say earlier that the gang was in line to buy one of those drinks? Did they not end up getting one? Must be the case if they’re so excited about it now.

Itto was quick to cover his ass. “Oh… so, uh, Thoma, my bro, my guy, my dude, maybe I didn’t explain properly. When I said two points and a half points, that’s out of a total of two and a half. If there’s one thing the Arataki Gang is known for, I kid you not, it’s our patience and responsibility! It’s an awesome idea, totally hard-core. Practically tailor-made for me!”

If he didn’t know about my crush on Thoma, I’d totally call him out for that statement. The Arataki Gang known for patience and responsibility? Where was that patience when he stole his Vision off the statue of the Omnipresent God? No, that’s not fair - the Vision Hunt was awful. I probably would have done the same if mine got taken.

“If it’s decided, then allow me to take the role of your judge.” Thoma said, proceeding to explain the rules of the duel. “The volunteer work is simple. You just need to give your help to people who need it during the festival. I will assign some job requests that I’ve already received to you. If you’re ready, we can begin.”

With that the gang and the traveler took off, leaving Thoma and I alone next to the Tanuki board.

“I gotta say, Thoma, you’re brilliant. I never would have thought this could be an opportunity to get the Arataki Gang to haul some weight around here. How’d you know they were after those drinks, anyway?”

“We’re offering them as thanks to volunteers anyway so it’s not like I had to pull any strings, and the employees of Sailing Breeze brought it to my attention earlier. The winner of the duel would need a prize and I figured if it was something the Arataki Gang already had their eyes on, it would sweeten the deal.”

“Still, it was very smart of you.” I put my hands on the stone ledge and lifted myself to sit on it. “I’m sorry for the trouble. Itto and the others have good hearts, they just go a little overboard sometimes.”

Thoma flashed a reassuring smile. “You don’t have anything to apologize for, really. If I knew you were familiar with the gang, I would have asked you to help me sort this out sooner.”

I laughed a little. “A lot of people look surprised when they find out the gang and I are friends. Well, I’m more Itto’s friend, but the others are nice and we get along well. Back when I was first starting as an author, I sought Itto out because I wanted accurate information on Oni. We hung out for a couple days and we just seemed to click. He’s my best friend, and the brother I’ve always wanted but never got. I have two younger sisters.” Realizing I just went on a tangent, I squeezed my eyes shut. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to dump all that on you.”

“I don’t mind. Actually, I’m a little jealous of how relaxed you seem to be around him.”

My heart skipped a beat, cheeks burning for the… I have no idea how many times I’ve blushed today. “Y-You are?”

Thoma scratched the back of his head. Was he nervous? “Yeah. I know you’re pretty shy and that you don’t play around when it comes to work so I haven’t had the chance to get to know you all that well. To be honest, I used to worry that I made you uncomfortable.”

I quickly shook my head. “T-That’s not it! I’m just… I have a lot of respect for you, so…” Clearing my throat, I averted my gaze, pretending to look for the competitors. “So, what’s this specialty drink made of, anyway?”

“I’m not sure of the exact recipe, but from what I recall there’s lavender melon, mint, soy milk for the main base-”

My head snapped towards him, eyes growing wide. “Soy milk?”

My reaction visibly caught him off guard. “Yeah, I believe so.”

Oh no.

Leaping off the ledge I dashed in the direction of Sailing Breeze, praying that Itto hadn’t gotten there yet. Unfortunately, I rounded the corner just in time to see Itto collapse.

“Itto!” I shouted, dropping to a crouch in front of him and grabbing his arm. “Itto, can you hear me?”

The oni groaned. “I don’t feel so good.”

“What’s wrong? Can’t Arataki Itto drink soy products?” Thoma asked, finally catching up.

“He’s allergic to beans!” Akira exclaimed.

“Oh, my goodness… Okay! Quick, grab Itto and follow me. I’ll get a doctor - I sure hope it’s not too serious.”

Rising to my feet, I tried to pull Itto up. “Come on, big guy.”

The rest of the gang came to my aid, helping support Itto as we hauled him towards the doctor stationed on Ritou for the festival. Thankfully there was no one else needing aid, meaning the doctor could give Itto his full attention.

Thoma pulled me to the side after we dropped the oni off. “I’m so sorry, Kare. I didn’t even consider this possibility. This is all my fault.”

Shaking my head, I placed a hand on his arm. “No, it’s not. You didn’t know. I tell Itto all the time to ask what’s in something before he eats it. It’s not on you to keep track of everyone’s allergies.” In an attempt to make him feel better, I smiled. “Thanks for leading us here. I didn’t even realize we had a doctor on standby.”

“Don’t mention it. Oh, here, before I forget.” Thoma handed me a book from seemingly thin air. “This is the one you were interested in, right?”

“Thoma…” I breathed, running my fingers over the tree on the cover. “When did you…? I can’t accept this.”

I tried to give it back to him, but he wouldn’t take it. “I insist. You were kind enough to help me out on your day off. I should thank you properly.”

“I offered to help because I wanted to, not because I wanted anything out of it.”

His smile stole my breath for a moment. “I know, but I still want to thank you. If not the book, how about one of the drinks from Sailing Breeze?”

“I’ll take the book.” I said, glancing at Itto. “Thanks, Thoma. I can’t wait to read it.”

“I hope you like it.” A man in the distance suddenly called out to Thoma. “Duty calls. I’ll see you around?”

I nodded, smiling so wide my cheeks hurt. “Yeah.”

Hugging the book to my chest, I bit back a squeal as I watched Thoma walk away. Turning towards where Itto was being treated, I skipped to the empty chair next to his cot and took a seat.

Itto glanced at me, wearing the look of a man about to lose his lunch. “Thomas gave you a book?”

“His name’s Thoma.” I corrected, tucking my legs up and opening the book to the first page. “Rest up, big guy. We’re gonna be here a while.”

A Horrid Dream (III)

Pairings:Itto, Thoma, Ayato X reader

Warnings:Nightmare comfort, mentions of violence and blood, Archon Quest spoilers in Thoma’s, Insectophobia triggers in Itto’s

Part I-Part II

Despite the sunlight peeking through the cracks between the branches, the dense forest was incredibly dark. Twigs and leaves crunched beneath your feet, stones covered in moss tried to make you slip every couple steps and every tree looked the same, making it impossible to tell whether you were going in circles or not.

Kitsune yowled in the distance, not the most relaxing sound but it was noise nevertheless. Desperate for some kind of escape you headed in the direction you heard them in, only to stop and tense up when the yowls turned into high-pitched yelps. The forest was blanketed in silence once more.

Did your presence scare the kitsune away? It was possible; their senses were much more advanced then yours.

Sighing in defeat you turned around and took a few steps, only to stop again when another sound reached your ears. It wasn’t yowls this time, it was chirping but not the kind of chirping that reminded you of a bird. Instead of carrying the harmony of a song the pitch of this chirp didn’t fluctuate - instead it was long and monotone. It sounded close, it was loud and the somehow it had your insides shivering.

‘I need to get out of here.’

Just as this thought came to you, the ground started to vibrate beneath your feet. It was a strange sensation and within minutes your feet felt as though they were being pricked by thousands of tiny pins in rapid succession. A numbness followed and the stability in your legs was gone, sending you tumbling to the ground. The fall left scrapes on your hands and knees but luckily, no blood was drawn.

A nearby pair of trees suddenly snapped at the trunks, falling to the sides like curtains being pulled back to expose what hid on the other side. The creature that crawled out of the darkness was ginormous, too big to be real yet there it was standing mere yards in front of you. The creature was purple, stood on six thin legs and had a massive horn with sharp pinchers protruding from the middle of its head. The bug’s eyes were on either side of its head, the texture of its body appeared hard and as it bent its head to pick up a log between its pinchers, you flinched in fear as the onikabuto crushed it into splinters.

Adrenaline vanquished the numbness from your body and as quickly as possible, you shot to your feet and dashed away from the insect as fast as humanly possible. The onikabuto chirped and gave chase, the ground vibrating again as a result of how fast it’s legs scurried to keep up. It ripped up trees from the ground as it went, obliterated boulders that threatened to stand in its way. It was on a mission and that mission was obviously to catch you.

“Leave me alone!” You shouted, voice so full of terror you barely recognized it as your own.

The onikabuto screeched just then and the vibrations increased until they became violent shakes. Two more bugs appeared on either side of the first, flanking their leader as they herded you deeper into the forest.

Suddenly the ground beneath your feet gave away. Instead of falling straight down you slid down a steep slope, tiny stones leaving more scratches on your skin as you tumbled. It felt like an eternity before you were ejected from the slide, flying through the air for a moment before landing in a pile of moss.

Looking around, you gasped in alarm. Several giant eggs inhabited the nest and one by one they started to wiggle and crack open. Shards of the egg began to fall away, tiny purple legs peeking out from inside and thrashing around. All at once the eggs finally burst open, the resounding crack that followed louder than thunder as baby onikabuto the size of full grown humans broke free.

The hatchlings chirped repeatedly as they closed in, circling around you and blocking any chance of escape. The adults chasing you earlier suddenly appeared at the sides of the nest, the biggest one snapping its pinchers aggressively before diving towards you-

You awoke with a sharp gasp and tried to sit up, only to be restricted by heavy arms wrapped around your chest and stomach. While once upon a time this would have been strange to wake up to it was routine now, and the comfort of those thick arms brought out a sigh of relief, the tension in your body evaporating as you all but deflated in the oni’s hold.

For several minutes you laid there, feeling Itto’s chest rise and fall against your back and listening to his somewhat obnoxious snoring inches from your ear. On any other occasion you would have thrown a pillow at him for it, but this time you were grateful for the noise; it grounded you to reality and that you were, in fact, safe.

Still, no matter how much you tried to fall back to sleep you couldn’t and so, you managed to wiggle enough space between Itto’s arms to turn over and face him. For someone so boisterous during the day he looked rather peaceful when he slept. The sight of him brought a small smile to your face and, unable to help yourself, reached out to run your fingers along his cheek.

“Itto.” You whispered his name, index finger tracing the line of his jaw. “Itto, wake up.”

The oni didn’t stir, not that you expected him to awaken so easily. Waking him before he got up himself was a struggle any night of the week.

“Itto.” You called again in a little bit of a louder voice, poking his cheek and patting his chest. “Itto, hey.”

Finally, you made a dent in his consciousness. Itto let out a heavy exhale and nuzzled the side of his face further into the pillow, arms tightening around you and nearly crushed you against his chest. “Ten more minutes.”

You gave a breathy laugh, tucking your head beneath his chin. “It’s not time to get up yet. I had a bad dream, that’s all. These giant onikabuto were trying to eat me.”

“Onikabuto may look menacing on the outside but they’re actually pretty docile. The odds of them attacking a person are pretty low.”

The room was too dark to make out the red markings that stood proudly on his chest but you traced them anyway, your memory serving as your guide. “I know, but it was still scary…”

Itto’s lips touched the top of your head, the nails of one hand gently running up, down and across your back in random, soothing motions. “Hey, I got you. Nothing that can harm you is gonna get past these arms. Not an onikabuto, not a monster, nothing. I won’t ever let that happen, okay?”

Nodding, you closed your eyes and snuggled even closer to him. You’ve read about bonds like these in fiction but never once did you actually believe one single person could make you feel so safe. Yes, the boyfriend you adored had horns, incredible strength and could sometimes be a bit of an airhead, but he was a man with horns, incredible strength and had air-headed tendencies that loved you enough to dive head first into danger without question.

“Itto?” You whispered his name again and he followed with a half-asleep grunt. “How would you stop a giant onikabuto?”

“That’s easy. I’d tame it and-” The quiet atmosphere suddenly became energetic, the sleepy voice he just had was gone. “Ohhh ho ho ho! You’re a genius, sunshine! I’d never lose a battle again if I had a beetle that big on my side.”

You titled your head up, prepared to say something but Itto’s sudden kiss stopped you from doing so. The oni released your body and yanked the blankets off his form, jumping out of bed and grabbing the glowing Geo Vision sitting on top of the dresser.

“Wh-Where are you going?” You asked, sitting up to watch him navigate the dark for his clothes.

“To find me a giant onikabuto. You might be on to something - maybe the big guys only come out at night.”

“It’s two in the morning!”

“Which means I don’t have a lot of time left. Get some rest, babe. I’ll be back in the morning!”

And just like that he was out of the room, running down the hall and slamming the front door shut. With a sigh you fell back against the mattress, ran a hand through your hair and prayed to the Raiden Shogun he didn’t get eaten.

The crowd was ruthless, pushing you back every time you tried to advance or refusing to make room for you at all. How you came to be in the middle of so many bodies you couldn’t recall, but the nauseating sense of despair rolling around in your gut was there for a reason. Something bad was happening and you had to stop it.

Questions were answered when you finally reached the front of the crowd. First, you realized everyone was gathered in front of the famous marble statue of a robed god with wings. Second, an inhumanly beautiful woman with long purple hair styled in a braid stood on the highest platform of the multi-level wooden deck leading up to the statue. Third, a blonde man dressed primarily in red and black was on his knees at a lower platform, hands tired behind his back and two guards in purple armour on either side. The guards were armed with spears, the sharp tips glinting dangerously even though the sky was full of dark grey clouds.

“Thoma!” A name spilled from your lips, voice full of panic as you jumped down a small drop, landing on the deck. “Thoma!”

Sprinting towards him, you fell harshly on your knees and cupped his face in your hands. Now that you were closer you could see how he had been treated and it wasn’t very nicely. Multiple dark bruises along his jaw, a large one next to his right eye, a cut on his lower lip that was already starting to swell - you could only imagine what other injuries were hidden beneath his clothing.

“(Y/N), you have to go.” Thoma said, pleading not just with his voice but with his eyes as well.

You stubbornly shook your head. “I’m not leaving you here.”

“It’s dangerous.”

Leaning forward, you caught his lips in a long, deep kiss. “All the more reason I gotta get you out of here.”

Thoma opened his mouth but whatever he was going to say didn’t come out. Instead his eyes flickered to something behind you, but before anything could be said, two pairs of hands were grabbing your arms and dragging you away.

“No! Let me go!” You shouted, kicking and struggling to break free, trying to get back to Thoma but the Shogunate soldiers that held you were annoyingly strong.

The woman in front of the statue turned to Thoma just then, her face unclear as she extended a hand towards him. A purple light flowed from her hand and in the blink of an eye, the man’s Vision broke free from his hip and soared through the air, finding a new home in one of the wings of the omnipresent god. The Pyro Vision glowed a few seconds more before losing its vibrant colour.

Tension in the air was thick, the number of voices whispering amongst the crowd so great a number you couldn’t make out what was being said. It was impossible to hear your own thoughts over the beating of your heart, and as the hands on your arms loosened, you ripped free and sprinted back to Thoma. Minutes ago he looked human but now… now he appeared so broken.

“Oh, Thoma…” Tears pricked your eyes as you stared into the emptiness lingering in his. “Come on, let’s get you out of here.”

Just as you were about to free him from his binds you were yanked back again, this time being held in a tighter grip. One of the guards standing next to Thoma kicked him in the back, forcing the blond to fall forward until his chest and cheek were pressed against the wood.

Your face paled, blood turning cold as the guard rotated the spear in his hand, lifting his arm high in the air. “Leave him alone!”

With no regard for your pleas, the guard plunged the blade of the spear into Thoma’s back.


You sat up screaming, chest heaving as your fingers curled around the sheets covering the mattress beneath you. A cold sweat clung to your skin, body trembling as your mind tried to navigate what was real and what was not. Your stomach was in knots, heart racing a mile a minute and droplets of water were escaping the corner of your eyes.

You weren’t the only one to experience a rude awakening. Your distress woke up the man laying next to you, who sat up almost as quickly as you did. Instantly he was alert, no sign of drowsiness as he angled his body towards you.

You spoke first, choking out his name in a strangled voice. “T-Thoma…”

Very quickly and very gently, he wrapped his arms around you and guided your cheek to his chest, chin resting on the top of your head. “It was just a dream. You’re safe, (Y/N), I promise.”

Squeezing your eyes shut you buried you face into the white shirt he slept in, sobbing against the material and consequently staining it with tears. “I-It’s n-not me… I… You-” A coughing fit attacked your lungs just then.

Thoma shushed you, running the fingers of one hand through your hair so he could massage the back of your head. “There’s no rush, talk when you’re ready. I’m not going anywhere so take as long as you need.”

His kindness was so simple, generosity so genuine it both comforted you and made that horrible nightmare all the more painful to remember. While there was some truth to the dream it never went that far, but if the traveler didn’t step in to save Thoma’s Vision back then, if the Raiden Shogun had been truly ruthless and cruel during the time of the Vision Hunt, you really might have lost him that day. The thought of him not being here with you now made your sobs even more violent.

“That dream must have really scared you, huh?” Thoma’s voice was even softer then normal and while your cries made it hard to focus, you were relieved to hear his voice at the same time. It further served as an anchor that this was reality.

As hard as it would be to string a sentence together, you wanted to talk to him. “I-It felt so real… T-The Vision Hu-Hunt Ceremony, th-they d-didn’t just-” A second coughing fit cut you off again.

Thoma’s embrace got tighter. “Breathe, (Y/N). Archons, you’re shaking so bad.”

The weight of concern in his voice was even greater then before. Feeling guilty for worrying him so much you forced your lungs to take in a big gulp of air and hold it for a few seconds before letting it out through your mouth. You did this a couple times, and the slow breathing combined with your lover’s gentle touches reduced the shaking in your limbs.

“That’s it, good job.” Thoma praised, changing his hand’s location so he could stroke your soaked cheek with the pad of this thumb, wiping the tears away. “What are you trying to tell me?”

Your arm slid up his chest to wrap around the back of his neck, a hug of sorts. “They killed you, Thoma. I watched them do it, and I couldn’t stop it…” Tears threatened to fall again but you forced them back. Your eyes felt swollen enough already.

Thoma’s lips pressed a firm kiss to the top of your head. “I’m sorry, I didn’t realize you where still shaken up by the ordeal.”

You shook your head against his chest. “You’re the one who almost lost your Vision, not me…”

“But you had to see me go through that. I have my Vision and I wasn’t harmed so I can forget about it, but you… I can’t imagine what was running through your head. I’m sorry you had to experience that again.”

This man… how could he be so selfless? You nearly gave him a heart attack with your screaming, you’ve kept him up for a while, and now he was putting aside whatever trauma still lingered in his mind to prioritize yours.

Tilting your head up, you softly pressed your lips against his jaw. “Thank you, Thoma. I’m happy you’re here.”

Even though it was dark, his smile was bright as day. “I’m happy I’m here, too. Why don’t you lay down with me and try to rest a bit more, yeah?”

If you were alone you would have spent the rest of the night huddled in the middle of the bed but with Thoma by your side, you were more then happy to fall asleep again.

The garden of the Kamisato Estate was as beautiful as ever. A crisp freshness lingered in the air, butterflies danced above the neatly trimmed hedges and a stray white cat that wandered over was snoozing peacefully on a rock, soaking in the warmth of the sun. With a watering can in hand you tended to a small bed of flowers growing in the corner of the garden, humming a song as the water droplets rolled off delicate petals to soak into the dirt protecting their roots.

Hearing footsteps, you looked up and smiled at the sight of a man approaching you. He was wearing the same armour the guards stationed outside the estate wore. “Good morning.”

Strangely, the man didn’t show an inch of friendly behaviour as he dropped a large bag at your feet. “Gather your things and go. Under the Commissioner’s orders, you are not to return.”

This encounter was wrong for numerous reasons. For one, everyone within the estate has adapted to addressing you with more formality given your relationship with the head of the clan. Secondly, the Yashiro Commissioner the guard was referring to was the same man who presided over the Kamisato clan, the same man you’re romantically involved with.

You softly shook your head. “I think there’s been a misunderstanding. Ayato and I are-”

“Through. Sir Kamisato is proceeding with a political marriage to strength ties with a fellow clan. There is no reason for you to remain here any longer.”

The sun and the warmth it provided suddenly disappeared. The napping feline vanished and the butterflies scattered, the trees and hedges lost their vibrancy and the flowers you were tending to moments ago had completely wilted. In fact, the entire estate seemed to have lost colour and peaceful atmosphere.

Unconcerned by your stunned silence, the guard turned his back. “You have fifteen minutes to pack up and go, otherwise you will be escorted out.”

With that he walked away, leaving both your mind and body frozen in shock. Ayato… didn’t want you anymore?

Laughter too cheerful for such a gloomy place captured your attention. A woman dressed in a kimono more lavish then you could ever pull off sat beneath the pavilion, her hair styled in an elegant updo befitting of traditional Inazuman fashion. You couldn’t see her face as her back was to you, but the man she sat across from was undoubtedly more beautiful anyway. You always thought he was the most beautiful no matter the venue.

You wanted to rush over and demand answers but you couldn’t find the courage to do so, not when the smile he shared with her was one reserved for you, not when he reached across the wooden table to take hold of her hand like he’s done many times with you.

Ayato guided the woman’s hand to his lips and pressed a charming kiss to the back of it. “If brings me peace to see you so happy, my love.”

‘My love.’

The endearing words he once offered you now belonged to someone else. You’d never wake up by his side again, never again would you be able to greet him good morning and wish him pleasant dreams. You’d never get to welcome him home after a long day of work or crack spur of the moment jokes to make him laugh when he looked stressed. You’d never get to do anything with him again… because Kamisato Ayato wasn’t yours anymore.

“(Y/N)?” A lovely voice called your name, followed by a gentle touch on your shoulder. “Wake up, my love.”

You groaned in protest and reluctantly opened your eyes, blinking a few times to combat the blur clouding your vision. Your head turned to follow the voice, finding Ayato looking down at you from above. The lamp next to his side of the bed was turned on, an unpleasant brightness that made you squeeze your eyes shut again and rub them.

“What’s wrong?” You asked, voice scratchy from hours without use.

“That is a question I have for you.” His thumb gently wiped something from the corner of your eye. “You were crying in your sleep.”

“I was?” Lifting a hand to touch your cheek, you realized your skin was damp. “I didn’t realize that was possible. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you.”

It’s no secret that Ayato is a busy man. Some days you were unable to catch a glimpse of him at all so his rest was something important to you. Making sure he took care of himself wasn’t much, but it made you feel like you were helping ease the stress from his shoulders.

“There is no need for such apologizes. Something must be weighing heavily on your mind. Tell me what is troubling you.” Ayato said, his tone kind and sincere.

You forced a small smile and shook your head. “It was just a dream, that’s all. A silly, stupid dream.”

“Is that so?” He didn’t seem believe you. “They say dreams reflect one’s current state of mind. Thoma mentioned to me earlier that you seemed unlike yourself today so naturally, I assumed whatever troubles are plaguing you have seeped into your sleep as well.”

Of course Thoma picked up on it. He wasn’t the Chief Retainer of the Kamisato Clan for nothing; his observation skills were impeccable and his work around the house could only be so throughly done thanks to such skills.

With a sigh of defeat, you rolled onto your back and stared up at the ceiling, hands resting on your stomach. “I promise I didn’t mean to pry, but I was tidying up your desk for you and… well, I saw the letter.”

“The proposal letter?”

“Yeah.” Lifting a hand, you started nervously picking at your nails. “Ayato, why didn’t you accept it? The daughter of a big clan like that… I’m sure having ties with such an important family would benefit the Kamisato Clan more then I ever could.”

A short, breathy laugh escaped the commissioner. “My dear, it seems you really have misunderstood my intentions.” Taking hold of your hand, he pressed a kiss to your thumb. “My relationship with you is not for the benefit of the Kamisato Clan.” His lips then touched your index finger. “Nor is it for the benefit of the Yashiro Commission.” A kiss against your middle finger. “And it is certainly in no way for the benefit for my standing within the Tri-Commission.”

“Then why…?”

Continuing his pattern, he kissed your ring finger. “My relationship with you is of no benefit to anyone but Kamisato Ayato.” Finally, he finished with the softest of kisses to your pinky. “You, my love, are the only one strong and patient enough to stand by my side.”

His reassuring words brought a smile to your face. “You know, some days I look in the mirror and wish I could see in myself what you do. The last thing I want to do is hold you back.”

“On the contrary, you inspire me to make time for my loved ones.” Leaning in close, he gave your lips a tender kiss. “How would you like to accompany me on a stroll in the morning? The trail leading up to Grand Narukami Shrine is rather beautiful in the early hours of daylight.”

“I’d like that.” Turning into your side again, this time facing him, you nuzzled your cheek unto the pillow. “Okay, I’m ready to go back to sleep now. What about you?”

“I agree. Best we be rested for our climb tomorrow.”
