#arc swap



Barry tosses in his bed, and blindly reaches out to slap at his alarm clock. The blue glow doesn’t fade, and that’s because, he realizes belatedly, his alarm isn’t going off. He shoves his glasses at his face, and blinks up at the now familiar blue glowing figure floating at the foot of his bed. 

“Good Morning, Barry Bluejeans, have you thought any more about your destiny?” 

“G’way,” he manages, and tosses his spare pillow at her. It passes through her with a ripple, and she looks at him reproachfully. 

“Barry, that hurt.” 

“You’re not even corporeal,” he whines, and she takes a seat on the edge of his mattress.

“No Barry, my feelings.” 

Barry cracks a small smile in spite of himself, and hauls himself up to a nearly seated position.

“What’s up, Lup?”

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