#arcana fan art


He was the last of the six LIs, but I think he was worth it

Bedhead sleepy Julian, with an added bonus of long hair

I also couldn’t help but throw in some smudged lipstick from a rowdy night with MC

[if you guys like the art, then please think about checking out my ko-fi page. The link is in the top bar of my blog, right next to the AO3 link <3]

I started watching Vikings and as soon as I saw the hair styles I knew Shield Maiden Portia needed to be a thing

the rune on her earring is eihwaz, which I read means strength and reliability and that is absolutely how I see our fierce Pasha

She has the locks—

She has the war paint—

She’s ready to punch the Devil in the face

[please don’t erase the watermark or post without credit to my blog]


“Stella-la-la, la-la, la-la

Love you too always deeply



Steadily with all my heart

I’ll be strong and all will be fine”

