

Have a nice evening with a beautiful picture of the temple of Poseidon.

Photo credits: George Spanoudakis

A mosaic depicting Dionysus on a leopard, from the floor in the ‘House of Dionysus’ at Pella, late 4th century BC, Pella, Archaeological Museum.

“Ophelia” by Sarah Bernhardt (1844-1923).

 Starfinder Characters commissioned by Ranisath. Here’s the context:New HorizonsAmelia Lowwe i Starfinder Characters commissioned by Ranisath. Here’s the context:New HorizonsAmelia Lowwe i Starfinder Characters commissioned by Ranisath. Here’s the context:New HorizonsAmelia Lowwe i

Starfinder Characters commissioned by Ranisath. Here’s the context:

New Horizons

Amelia Lowwe is one of the most gifted archaeologists of her generation, and her expeditions have uncovered secrets in the galaxy’s deep history and the cure to a dire plague that threatened to wipe out her people.

Sahaeli Namoli ita Nephre’s programmable-matter armour, the material of which thins over her wings to allow her to retain the natural ability to fly, and the dimensional glaive she carries shows her as a founder of the Keʃæn order. Originally Amelia’s bodyguard and research assistant, she has since achieved acclaim in her own right as an academic.

Amelia’s fanblade projects scan-results that prove that for the truly committed exo-archaeologist there is always another mystery to unearth

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I think the only universal experience amongst archaeologists is that we have all, at least once, enjoyed digging a really nice hole and then gotten very sad when there was nothing in it.

Look at this beautiful hole. Absolutely nothing in it though :’(

There, fixed it :)

Everybody post pics of you in your holes!!

(This is from undergrad. It was also empty until I remedied it)

Nothing in here but empty plowscars- but we had to dig another 6 inches through solid and sticky red Virginia clay to prove it

Archaeologists are a sexy bunch, aren’t we

So disappointed I was unaware of these fantastic additions to my post until now!
