#architectural style




My contribution to the Creator’s Cave theme for November: Architecture (Art Nouveau)!


This set includes 4 decor items, and 1 functional window – my first ever! ^0^ Big thanks to @deniisu-sims​ for extracting the meshes from TS4′s Realm of Magic for me to fiddle around with! <3

  • Art Nouveau Rugs
  • Art Nouveau Stencils as Rugs
  • TS4 to TS3 RoM Lotus Arch as Wall Art
  • TS4 to TS3 RoM Gnome Arch as Wall Art
  • TS4 to TS3 RoM Banishment Window(REQUIRES INTO THE FUTURE EP)


Download miniset (sims3pack & packages) : Simfileshare|Mediafire

Descriptions & preview pics under the cut:


 Monthly Challenge Theme for November is….”architecture & architectural style”Though the  Monthly Challenge Theme for November is….”architecture & architectural style”Though the  Monthly Challenge Theme for November is….”architecture & architectural style”Though the  Monthly Challenge Theme for November is….”architecture & architectural style”Though the

Monthly Challenge Theme for November 

is….”architecture & architectural style”

Though the example used in the questionnaire is Art Nouveau, please feel free to try other architectural styles!

As for the big question of whether to change the frequency or not, more people would like to keep status quo. However, we’ve also received some valuable suggestions, like bimonthly instead of monthly/quarterly, or release the theme earlier.   

Combining all the above suggestions, we can vote and decide the theme a month earlier and use November / December as a buffering, since most creators would work on winter/Christmas CC in before the end of December. The next vote (for January) could be held by the end of November so creators would have more time to work on, meanwhile, any architectural CC is welcomed before the next theme comes up. 

The tutorial suggestion should be very useful for creators, anyone can submit any tutorial at anytime and we will add them on our tutorial archive ASAP. If creators find the need for certain tutorials, they can ask for other creators’ help on our discord. Anyone can join this event or submit their tutorials without tumbr accounts, as long as the effective links are provided!      

Last but not least, it’s not the first time that we received suggestions for the theme AFTER the vote. To keep the challenge as fair and open as it should be, all of the options in our votes comes from simmers’ submission and we don’t choose themes for the participants. So please don’t make assumptions and just submit your ideas! We don’t bite!

Any further questions, please feel free to ask! We’ll get back to you ASAP. 

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