#arctic saga


Hello everyone, I apologize for my absense, life has been very busy. Anyways, this is a new story I’ve been working on as I play the app game Earth Wars. The same inspiration for the Cyclonus embroidery.

A star exploded, than another one! Bright lights of erupting stars pierced the darkness which bound space together. Two entities appeared within the depths of a super nova. Both bearing scars from their never ending fight. One figure landed onto an asteroid, gripping his broken shoulder. Energon leaked down his face. He snarled, tasting his own Energon as the other appeared. One bearing bright red armor with a broken sword in his grasp. A broken mouthplate showed wounds on his cheeks. Ocean blue optics gleaming against the blood red of his enemy. Star Saber screamed as he transformed, ramming right into the asteroid. The Decepticon leaped, transforming himself to a Dragon Goose. He roared, flying as Star Saber chased him. His fortress brimming with power.

    Deathsarus coughed up more Energon before turning to transform. Unleashing his lion and hawk bots. They flew from his chest, latching into the Autobot warrior. The Decepticon turned away from the little fight and headed for his fortress. Wounds starting to sting; the worst he sustained in such a long time. Deathsarus landed onto one of the towers of his fortress. Wings curling in closer as he knelt down. Everything started to turn numb, except, he wasn’t done. Not till the Spark of his enemy vanishes alongside the destroyed stars.

    Star Saber screamed before smacking the beasts away. They screeched, now firing missiles at him. Yet, they were never to be the Autobot’s focus. Nothing except for Deathsarus. He noticed the Decepticon on the tower, now starting to enter into the building. Before he could do anything, the lion bit Star Saber’s helm, the hawk clawing at his face. The Brainmaster transformed, forcing the two entities off. He flew faster through space, no longer seeing the two beasts. With such speed, he crashed into the tower which Deathsarus was inside of.

    The stairs shook as parts above fell. Deathsarus yelped, tripping and hitting a part of the floor. He got up, now clenching a tear in his side. Deathsarus stood up, now continuing his run through the tower till making it to the bottom. A faint scream echoed in the tower. Star Saber was near.

    Punching through the fallen parts of the tower, the Autobot started to run down the stairs. He noticed lasers flying past him. Defenses, always those. He fired shots at the turrets, sending fourth a power to tear them apart. Obstacles to his main target, stop the fortress before all died.

    A lone Decepticon ran through the never ending halls of his fortress. His wings starting to ache from the pain. So numb, feeling the urge to sleep. A laser flew past him, destroying a part of the decor. Deathsarus froze, hearing harsh breathing behind. Star Saber was near. Of all to find when he’s this close to his goal.

    Star Saber glared at the back of his enemy; armor screaming in pain. He took a step forward, not lowering his gun once. With one more step, he was right behind the Decepticon.

    “It’s over Deathsarus, if you want to live, then you must stop. Forget your dreams of conquest and take a different step in life.” Star Saber said. “Are you sure about that?” Deathsarus questioned. (The Decepticon turned, ramming his shield right into Star Saber. He yelped as he hit the floor. His blue optics focused on Deathsarus as he flew down the hall. The Brainmaster fired, all his shots missing. He growled, transforming and flying after him.

    Many monitors showed Planet V as tubes pumped Energon into the main generator. Where the ultimate weapon was. Deathsarus landed onto a platform where the controls resided. He snarled, falling to his knees. A thick crack appeared on both knees, exposing various circuits. He turned his helm, no sign of Star Saber yet. Flapping his wings, the Decepticon stood up, dashing for the controls to the cannon. He smiled as his fingers were about to signal a new age of terror. Of his rule as Emperor of Destruction.

    A laser blast crashed right into Deathsarus, piercing his chest and the machine. It exploded, sending the Decepticon crashing into a wall. Star Saber shot at the Energon pumps. They exploded, sending the Autobot towards another wall. More parts of the fortress exploded, leading Star Saber to transform. His Spark pulsed faster as he flew through a long hall. His armor started to fall apart as he exited, leaving him as a smaller mech. A blue visor focused upon the destruction, as Deathsarus’ dream fell apart. He noticed the city part of the fortress heading for a planet. One of blue and white; the two of Deathsarus’ pets stared as well. Both hiding away from Star Saber’s glare.

    Soon, the remaining pieces of the fortress crashed into the Arctic’s depths. Sinking deeper into the ocean, leaving Deathsarus and his dream as a ruler to forever be a memory.
