#are they giving your chamber the red lighting



Just finished rewatching ep 9 and I have so many questions, like…. For how long did Vegas wait for Porsche to go above water? Did Vegas follow Porsche to the pool? Or did he ask around for Porsche, while carrying his wine bottle and glasses with him? And when he realized it was taking Porsche longer than he expected, was it then he poured up some of the wine? With a lack of things to do? Or did he pour it up in a hurry? Did he bring those tiny lamps that stood beside the wine bottle with him, or did they already exist in the room? Were they already placed on that jumping-into-the-pool thing, or did he place them there? Why place them by the wine bottle? Why did he bring such big wine glasses? Did he carry everything with his hands, or did he have a bag with him? Did he practice what to say when waiting for Porsche? How much did he come up with while waiting, and how much did he come up with before he even entered the room? Or did Vegas put his drama classes into use and just improvised his lil speech?

vegas, I beg of you, I need answers
