



Really says something about how bad the books are that we all watched the show, despite it being Like That

[ID: A screenshot of a reply from @tothetrashwhereibelong. It reads “The more I see abt the books the more I like the show tbh.” End ID]

Yeah that’s fair, I read two? Or three? Of the books and I can’t even remember them.

But like, the more I think about the show, the more I’m convinced that the fact that it got three seasons is solid evidence that the books were an absolute dumpster fire.

Like, especially the first season, I was in an almost perpetual state of cringe and/or dying from second hand embarrassment. If it wasn’t the acting (*cough* Kate McNamara *cough*), then it was the writing (imo Magnus was really badly written) or the props that literally looked like they came out of a bargain basket.

And the fact that this was the FIRST season, and enough of us still watched it that it got renewed.

Oh, and the absolute negative amount of chemistry between the main pairing I’m fairly confident that Malec is literally the only reason it got renewed, so say thank you to Harry Shum Jr and Matthew Daddario.

Really says something about how bad the books are that we all watched the show, despite it being Like That

On hiatus due to exams rn Should be back around end of May ❤️❤️
