#argentine cinema

Taekwondo (Marco Berger & Martín Farina, 2016)

Taekwondo (Marco Berger & Martín Farina, 2016)

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“At El Pampero Cine we’ve been making films for 10 years, and we work a bit in reverse of how filmma“At El Pampero Cine we’ve been making films for 10 years, and we work a bit in reverse of how filmma

“At El Pampero Cine we’ve been making films for 10 years, and we work a bit in reverse of how filmmaking usually operates. Usually, one person writes a script, raises a budget, casts, finds locations, makes contracts with those locations… You create a whole structure and a system based on a screenplay someone wrote. Here, it’s a bit different: Verónica actually lives with these dogs near the location where we shot, and we had all these things at hand that stimulated our imagination. It’s not that we settled for what we had—we transformed it and re-thought it and asked ourselves what to do with this. We built this fiction based on what we had and this is precisely the way that El Pampero works. It’s a production company and a collective that sustains itself completely independently, without government funding and without institutional support. I think this was key for producing the film that Veronica was imagining.”

Laura Citarella on La mujer de los perros (Dog Lady, 2015)

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