#ari levinson au


•|Operation: Rekindle|•

✨Pairing✨: mechanic!Ari LevinsonxBlack Reader

Summary: 11-year-old twins Brynn and Aliana are in for a very eventful summer break with their dad.

⚠️: divorce, brief mention of jail, insinuation of violence, v brief mention of intoxication, slight angst, bits of fluff mixed throughout

A/N: So, this is essentially gonna be like the Parent Trap just reimagined to something not as outlandish as parents separating their kids and not telling them about the other lol

Phase 1: So…what happened?

“Dad!,” both girls smile dropping their duffles and suitcases in the foyer with a loud thud before running towards their equally happy father. Even after all these years, he’s easily able to hoist each in one arm making laughs and giggles bounce off the neutral colored walls decorated with pictures of his ‘heart and soul’ as he fondly referred to the two.

You were honestly surprised to see your face up there a couple times. The older photo showing the both of you on your graduation day, cap in your hand and his thick arm around your shoulders as he kissed your temple especially has your lips curling into a small smile.

“How’re my girls?”

“Good!,” Aliana, the youngest by just seven minutes, giggles feeling the hairs of Ari’s beard against her cheek along with his lips before they move to her sister’s. “Brynn’s gotta boyfriend.”

“I do not! Ali does.”

“Nuh uh!”

“Okay how about no boyfriend talk from either of you until you’re 50. Or, better yet, I’m long gone in the dirt,” he states setting both down. When his eyes finally fall on you, it’s as if you’re back in that university cafeteria all over again. Looking over your notes with a last minute rush similar to the roadrunner hoping all the information you needed would stick before a tall distraction easy on the eyes with chestnut hair resting just below his ears took up the remainder of your time.

And then—like always when that feeling would come—you felt sad. Mournful even.


“Hey Ari,” you smile fiddling with the strap of your purse.

“And here we go again,” Brynn mumbles only loud enough that her sister would hear. “We’re gonna put our bags in the room.”

“Need some help?,” both you and Ari ask at the same time secretly needing an excuse for a break from the tension.

“No we got it.”

They never really understood why their parents were like this. The obvious chemistry still there from the stolen glances and loving gleams in their eyes. Yet at the end of the day they went to their separate homes acting as if all that never happened. If they still liked each other, then why weren’t they together?

“So, how’s things at the shop?,” you ask following him to sit on the leather couch.

“Good! Well same as usual really. Mrs. Howell came in the other day asking about you and the girls.” She also might’ve mentioned how she wished you and Ari never divorced, but it was probably for the best that be left out.

“Yea, I’ve been meaning to go by the bakery so she could see them but I haven’t found the time. She always says how she’s got a slice of pie waiting with their names on it.”

“And we both know that ‘slice’ is gonna be a whole pie,” he adds making you both chuckle. “How’s the kitchen chef? Boss still down your neck?”

“Good, and no not anymore since someoneand his repair shop gang left such amazing reviews on the food. Not to mention nearly ripping his head off,” you smirk.

“He shouldn’t have messed with my girl.” The once playful mood noticeably shifts at his former term of endearment. Ari hadn’t called you that since the girls were infants, yet you could feel the burn to your cheeks as you gently cleared your throat to keep your emotions at bay.

“I’m sorry. It just slip-,”

“Ari it’s fine,” you brush off hoping he wouldn’t break through your carefree facade. “It’s uh getting late though, so I should probably go.”

“You’re leaving already ma?,” Aliana asks just before reaching the last step with Brynn close on her heels as usual. “Stay for dinner!”

“Yea! Dad’s letting us make our own pizzas, and then we’re gonna watch Zombie Masquerade!”

“I said maybeto the movie,” he adds. “Remember I uh said mom may not want you guys watching that so we had to ask first?”

“…but you suggested the movie dad,” Brynn states confused as to why he seemingly forgot how excited he was on the phone that night when he brought up the idea.

“Yea dad, you said how you wanted to see it at the movies but couldn’t so-,”

“Okay thanks girls,” Ari nervously chuckles trying to discreetly motion for them to stop talking.

“If you think they’ll be okay, then it’s fine with me,” you grin watching the pair excitedly bounce on the balls of their feet.

“You say that because I’m gonna be the one dealing with the bad dreams and late nights aren’t you?”

“Yep, and anything else that might come along,” you nod patting his protruding pec, which probably wasn’t the best idea on your part now missing the ridges and movements of his muscles under your fingers.

“Well…why not stay the night then? You know, to help out if the girls get scared?” With those addicting, soft baby blues looking down at you, it’s hard to say no. Who were you kidding, Ari’s general aura made it hard to say no.

It was exactly why you tried to keep your interactions short. Of course you were always cordial and friendly, but anything longer than an hour or two, and you knew your conscience would disappear, and maybe even your clothes too.

“It’d be like just like when we were little!,” Brynn smiles hugging Ari’s hips along with her sister.

“Yea! Cmon ma you know you wanna stay.” Although different colors, the three eerily similar sets of pleading eyes batting their long lashes causes a heavy sigh to pass your lips. Of course you wanted to spend the night, but was it the smartest choice?

“I’d love to, but I got a busy day tomorrow so I better head home.”

That’s not what they wanted to hear, but the pair understood letting their mom kiss their cheeks before giving her a final hug. As usual, Ari was there to walk you to the door embracing you in a hug as well that tended to last longer than one typically does. The bergamot and citrus of his cologne hitting your nostrils makes it even harder to let go.

“That offer’s always here you know. For dinner or spending the night if you want.” It’s an innocent statement, but the deep timbre of his voice vibrating through his chest and his lips at the top of your head still successfully make you weak in the knees. You can only nod peering up at your ex with a small smile suddenly unable to find your voice.

“Guess I’ll uh see you later then,” he says letting you go although every fiber and cell of his being protested.

“Call if you or the girls need anything.” With a single nod, he returns your small wave watching in remorse as you walk back to your car and your taillights grow smaller and smaller the further you drive down the road.


“Alright m’ladies, are you prepared for your evening among the royally undead?,” Ari dramatically asks donning a terribly fake British accent. The girls looked unimpressed pausing their conversation to deadpan their dork of a father.

“Hey, those were the movie voiceover guy’s words not mine.”

“Dad, what’s up with you and mom?,” Brynn outright questions crossing her arms in front of her chest. She never was one to beat around the bush.

“What do you mean?”

Patting the cushion in between them, both girls shift their bodies towards Ari as soon as his bottom touches the seat.

“For starters, you love each other..but you’re not together,” Aliana states holding out her index finger ready to count out their grievances.

“And I don’t know if you know this, but divorced people don’t love each other,” Brynn adds making Ari chuckle.

“And how do you know how divorced people act?”

“There’s kids at school with divorced parents dad. Plus Real Housewives.”

He can only shake his head as he laughs to himself at the things that come from their mouths.

“Well, I don’t know about those other parents, but I’ll always love your mom. She’s still my best friend, was my first serious relationship that truly showed me what love is. And not to mention she gave me my heart and soul,” he smiles taking turns pecking the tops of their heads.

“Then what happened? You love her and we know she still loves you,” Aliana asks peering up at her father with head of curls lying on his shoulder.

Truthfully he didn’t fully know that answer himself. At least not the root that eventually sprouted to your ultimate joint decision.

“Basically, I uh did something very dumb that I regret, which then led to me and your mom having a long conversation and deciding maybe it was best we weren’t together anymore.”

“Mhmm…does that mean you got drunk and kissed someone else?”

“What?! No, where’d you get that from?”

“Happened on Mansion Rules,” Brynn answers before grabbing a handful of popcorn. “Hillary deserved so much better than Todd.”

“Alright no more cable in your room, and remind me to call both your grandmothers to stop watching reality tv while babysitting,” he chuckles briefly tickling their sides making them giggle. “All you guys need to know is everything’s fine now, and I’ll never do it again.”


“And where am I supposed to go Y/N?!”

“I don’t know, maybe Frank’s since you’ve very recently shared a space before!,” you shout from the closet forcing more shirts and underwear in his duffle.

This was far from the “welcome home” Ari was expecting. Sure he knew he’d more than likely be met with your narrowed eyes and stern tone as you tried to figure out how this could happen. A small part even expected for you to just hug him and refuse to let go as you peppered kisses all over his face.

Clearly he was very off.

“I said I was sorry,” he sighs sitting on the edge of the bed. Not getting any sleep the night before, he wanted nothing more than to lie down comfortably in his own bed under his soft sheets. Preferably, with you beside him.

“But what was I gonna do? Just let him get jumped?”

“No, but try to be smart about it at least!”

Finally appearing before him, a thud echoes through the room as you drop his bag by his feet. Your eyes noticeably red and lashes wet from the brief contact they made with his before returning to the floor.

“That’s enough for about a week, maybe two. All that’s left is your toothbrush and whatever else you think you’ll need.”

There’s silence as he just peers at you and your thumb anxiously tapping against your upper arm while you hold yourself. Was this what you truly wanted?

“So that’s it? One mistake and I’m done?”

“We don’t have time for just one mistake Ari! Especially not one that puts you in jail,” you snap lifting your head. “We’re parents now. We have two little girls to think about, and the fact that you even put yourself in that situation shows me they’re not your first priority. That I’m not either.”

“You know that’s not true,” he lowly states, his own eyes beginning to water.

“No. Not anymore.” Both of you were silently crying now. Your respective sets of tears freely flowing down onto your cheeks and necks.

Yet neither of you moved to console the other. Fighting your urges to reach out ensuring that you’d be okay, and this was just a bump in the road for your relationship.

Wiping his eyes, he sniffs and clears his throat trying to collect himself. His gaze shifting to the clear sky and sunshine outside that definitely did not reflect the current mood inside the two-bedroom apartment. Did he so easily want to accept defeat? No, that was never in his nature. “You just don’t know when to quit do you?” His mother would grin shaking her head watching the little boy continue on, whether it was trying to perfect that three-pointer or reach that cookie jar she specifically told him to leave alone. It’s one of the many things you loved about him, but knew, just as his mother did, that it’d be his downfall at some point.

“Can I see them before I go?,” he quietly asks.

“They’re at my parents’. Won’t be back until tomorrow.”

Nodding his head, he slowly stands with a sigh bringing his bag to sling over his shoulder in the process. He’s hesitant lifting his thumb and index finger to your chin, but seeing you meet his eyes not pushing him away he leans down until your lips press together. Any other time it’d be agonizingly slow and one of you would’ve took the lead progressing things much further along. Now, it felt right. It fit the tone as you both needed one last time savoring each other. His beard prickling your skin. The way he’d always nip at your bottom lip before his tongue was appearing against your own.

Your always soft lips cushioning and soothing his own. The whimpers leaving your throat that hit him so deep he knew he wouldn’t be able to stand for long.

Foreheads resting against each other’s, you gently shake your head whispering “don’t” knowing exactly what he’d say next.

“You may not wanna hear it, but I love you. I-I love you, I love the girls, and I’ll never stop.”


“Pst…pst! Ali you awake?”

“No,” she sighs “I got the twin vibe something was up with you. Plus you kept moving and making the beads tap against the headboard.”

“Sorry.” Both girls shift to lie at the foot of their beds facing each other from opposite sides of the room. “I just keep thinking about mom and dad. I wonder what happened that was so bad it broke them up?”

“Dunno, but dad told us not to worry. Plus whatever happened they’re apparently over it now,” Ali states hugging her penguin stuffed animal.

“Yea that’s true. I…I just wish we could sit them in a room and get them to make up you know? Clearly there’s something still there.”

There’s silence as both girls just peer at the light carpet lining the floor. Aliana yawning as Brynn taps against her yellow, tropical themed sheets while the occasional car can be heard passing by outside. An idea soon comes to her mind though, quickly sitting up on her knees and startling her sister.

“Then again, what if we can?”

“Can what?”

“Get them back together!,” Brynn excitedly answers before covering her own mouth realizing she might’ve been a bit too loud. “What if we can get mom and dad back together? Make them realize they’re meant to be together.”

“And how would we do that?”

“…I have no idea, but we can figure it out.”

Biting her lip, she sits up with legs crossed under her and hugging her penguin close to her. “I dunno B, what if we make things worse? Or they really don’t want to be together anymore?”

“Then…we’ll deal with it. But I’d still rather try than not, and miss out on us all being a real family.”

“Weare a real family though.”

“You know what I mean Ali. Us being in one house rather than going back and forth,” Brynn smiles sliding out of bed to sit next to her sister. “So, you with me? I can’t do this without you.”

A beat of silence later, and she’s flashing a smile similar to the one in front of her before sticking out her hand to perform their secret handshake. “This summer just got a whole lot more interesting.”

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Sweet as Can Be

✨Pairing✨: trucker!Ari Levinsonxblack!reader

Summary: Ari has a surprise waiting on your special day

⚠️: pretty much all fluff, Ari being the sweetest husband, tiny insinuation of adult times towards the end

A/N: This is my submission into @sparkledfirecracker writing fest that hopefully encompasses the cheesy element you were looking for☺️ (if not I’m sorry and can definitely try to do something else!). I’m finally deciding to try to get over my fears and participate in more challenges, so hopefully you guys like what I came up with!

“Alright, I’m calling you right before opening the door as you so randomly asked.”

“I know it’s weird, but it’ll be worth it I promise,” he smiles. “Now go see Ella first. She’s been helping me with all this.”

Doing as you’re told with the phone pressed against your ear, you lightly knock on your neighbor’s door still trying to figure out what your husband could possibly be up to.

“Ari what all do you have planned? And what’s this for?”

“You’ll see, just be patient gorgeous.” Ella’s usual cheery features soon appear as she opens the door holding a bag of groceries in one hand and small basket in the other. Even her little girl, Bea, seems to be helping out as she holds a small, purple flower vase filled with a low cut arrangement close to her chest.

“Happy Anniversary!”

“Appy Verse Airy!,” Bea adds with a toothy grin as she bounces on the balls of her feet.

“Aw thank you so much guys!,” you smile reaching out to take the items from their respective arms.

“Aht! Ari gave us very specific instructions to help you get these in the apartment, so if you wouldn’t mind opening your door please.”

“And tank you!,” Bea adds. She really might be the most adorable kid you’ve ever met.

“Well, can’t go against Ari now can we?,” you grin hearing his chuckle on the other line while leading them across the hall.

With a quick goodbye and a wish for you, and Ari, to have a good night, Ella and Bea are gone just as fast as they came leaving you alone in your cozy apartment. “Ari?”


“Our anniversary is in January. What’s this?”

“True it’s not our wedding anniversary, but it’s something just as important…the day we first met.” Sure enough, looking through the grocery bag you find a bottled pineapple daiquiri and a pack of Heineken instantly taking you back to that bar all those years ago.

“I know it’s probably corny, but it’s a day I’ll never forget and wanted to treat you to something special,” he explains nervously rubbing the back of his neck. What if you thought it was too much, and he should’ve just left things alone?

“No it’s sweet, thank you. And how could I forget? That’s also the day you stopped me from making the worst decision of my life,” you giggle taking a moment to sniff the colorful bouquet on the counter in front of you.


There’s collective groans from those at the bar watching yet another missed goal attempt from the Bruins’ center. Ari was sure this was somehow his karma for betting on a game with money he didn’t have. He just knew his team would win though; even the analysts from the pre-game show were sure.

But that ten percent chance at a loss was biting him in the butt right now.

“Looks like they’re cursed tonight,” the older man at the end of the bar with his Guinness sighs taking a drink.

“Cursed or still drunk from the night before,” the bartender chuckles along with the other men.

“At least it’s just the second period. And we’re tied at zero so we still got a chance,” Ari speaks.

“Always seeing the glass half full,” his friend and fellow trucker, Nick, states holding up his glass signaling for another round.

“Makes life a little better when you do.”

“Yea, but I’m a little surprised seeing how you got $200 riding on this game. Expected you to be the first one crying in the corner if I can be honest.”

“Call me crazy, but I gotta hunch everything’s gonna be fine.”

Just as the commentators announce a commercial break, the bell of the front door chimes followed by the apprehensive clicks of heels across the hardwood. From the corner of Ari’s eye as he tilts his head back to take a swig of his beer, he catches curious eyes searching around the bar and head of dark curls swiftly going back and forth.

Just in a simple burnt orange tank, covered by a dark grey sweater, and ripped jeans cuffed at your ankles stopping right at the small buckle of your strappy, black heels, you took Ari’s breath away. If you stepped outside right now, he was sure you’d stop traffic and cause a couple accidents as well.

Your eyes met briefly making the beefy trucker softly smile and feel giddy at your own beautifully curled lips. That was sadly short lived though, as you walked past to the man coming from the restroom equally as excited to see you from the tight hug and kiss he placed on your cheek.

The loud cheers of those around startle him back to the game seeing Bruins players and those in the stands cheering after their one goal.

“Ya see that?! Guy went between the legs, dodged a Pens player to score the goal,” Nick smiles excitedly clapping his friend’s shoulder and giving it a slight shake.

“Um n-no I missed it,” he answers. His intense blues peeking at the table about eight feet away one more time before his attention goes back to the players gliding on the ice. Being the nosey friend he is, Nick followed Ari’s gaze to see the couple talking and occasionally laughing with their hands intertwined on the table.

“You know them?”

“Nah I just saw her walk in and-,”

“Ah..say no more,” Nick nods drinking from the tall glass. “She is cute though.”

“Yea, but unfortunately he got to her first,” Ari sighs finishing his drink. Time passes and the bar fills with a few more people looking to catch the end of the game or to get a few drinks after a long day. Every so often, his eyes drift to your table wishing he was the one on the receiving end of your soft giggle. The one who could feel your fingers graze against his arm making goosebumps appear in their path.

“I’m gonna go to the restroom really quick. Can you get me a refill please?,” he hears you ask your date before drifting off towards the back.

God, even your voice was heavenly.

It was like clockwork how fast the door slammed open as soon as you disappeared. The angry blonde not searching long before seeing her target at the table by himself.

“Working late huh?,” she asks with arms crossed across her chest. Whether they wanted it or not, they now had the attention of the whole bar curious as to what would happen next.

“I-I was! I just finished maybe half an hour ago and decided to stop by for a drink,” the model-esque CEO answers. The glistening sweat on his brow can be seen from all the way across the bar.

“Mhm. And who’s purse is that? A ‘friend’ from work?”

“Noo, this lady went to the bathroom but didn’t need to take her purse so she asked if I could watch it for her.”

Oh this guy was something else.

“Look, I know you’re upset and you have every right to be. I should’ve just come straight home and had a drink with my girl, especially when I know all she’s been wanting is to spend some time with me.”

That seemed to butter her up enough from her features relaxing into a smile before standing on her tip toes to peck his lips.

“I thought you didn’t care.”

“Of course I do sweetheart. In fact, why don’t we stop by the mall to get that Chanel you’ve been hinting at?,” he smirks leading the woman towards the door.

“They’re still open?!”

“Yea but not for long so we gotta hurry,” he winks tapping her on the bottom as they exit the building leaving everyone except Ari unbothered.

“Poor girl,” he thought to himself. Soon you’d come out to an empty table definitely confused at why your seemingly great date decided to up and leave. And poor random blonde lady, who didn’t deserve to be bought as a distraction from her boyfriend/husband’s cheating ways.

“Um excuse me?,” he hears interrupting his thoughts as he turns around. Your nervous smile makes his heart melt although you definitely couldn’t tell. “I’m sorry to bother you, but do you by chance know where the guy at that table went? He was about ye tall, in a button up?”

Should he tell you the truth? No doubt breaking your heart and ruining your evening? Or try to make up something as a cover to not get involved? Either way, he’d go home feeling terrible.

Sighing as he passes a hand through the chestnut strands on his head, he turns in his seat so you’d have his full attention. Not that you didn’t have it already.

“This isn’t easy to say, but he left…with another woman. Some blonde who he definitely didn’t just meet if you uh catch my drift.”

The small gape of your full lips and your disappointed “oh” nearly has him wanting to find whoever that guy was himself.

“Last time I use a dating app,” you half-heartedly chuckle to yourself. Shaking your head as you try not to cry frustrated tears in the middle of a bar in front of this brawny man and his friends. “Thanks for letting me know. Have a good night.”

He didn’t know you, but he wished there was something he could do.

Collecting your purse and sweater, you return to the bar feeling like a child standing next to the giant men who were tall even sitting on their barstools. “Hey, um the guy that was over there? Did he already pay?,” you ask finally catching the bartender before he could get someone else’s order.

“Nope, just left without so much as a see ya.”

“Why am I not surprised,” you mumble to yourself searching for your wallet.

“Don’t worry about it,” Ari states shifting in his seat to retrieve his own out of his back pocket.

“What? No, I can’t let you do that.”

“Too late. Tommie, put it on my tab please.”

“Well thanks,” you smile. “That’s really nice of you.”

“S’nothing. Just look at it as my way of trying to make up for a crappy evening,” he shrugs with a tilted smile so powerful you could feel it’s effect down to your toes.

“And down the line when I tell this story of my worst date turned good, I should refer to my hero as?”

“Ari, Ari Levinson,” he answers sticking out his much larger, slick with moisture hand for you to shake. Both of you freezing at the droplets of water touching against your respective skin. “I promise it’s water from the bottle, not sweat.” For someone who looked so intimidating, you couldn’t help but feel as though he had a huge teddy bear hidden behind that thick wall of muscle.

“It’s okay. Y/F/N Y/L/N.”

Another round of cheers erupts in the dimly lit room as the alarm from the lamp signals another goal from the Bruins now giving them a two-nothing lead. And distracting Ari long enough for him to miss you writing on one of your business cards.

“It was nice meeting you Ari!,” you shout over the many voices sliding the white paper near his hand.

‘Same time next weekend?’ Your neat handwriting read making his bearded cheeks heat and no doubt shift to a reddish color. Dread immediately overshadowed his excitement though, remembering his job and free weekends from here on out would be far and few. His mouth was set to explain he couldn’t make it, but you were gone. Only the light ringing of the front bell was left in your wake.

“Man you better thank your lucky stars, for a second-,” Nicky starts, but turns to watch his friend rush out the door looking both ways before finding whatever it was and jogging to the right. “Huh, looks like everything’s gonna be alright for you after all Levinson.”

His thick stature helps him along the concrete sidewalk from those moving out of his way, not wanting to run into, and possibly anger, him. Eventually, he passes enough yellow streetlights to get close enough where you could hear him call your name.

“Hey, did I forget something?”

“No I uh, I got your note, but next weekend isn’t the best for me,” he explains catching his breath.

“Oh, that’s okay! Just text me a time that’s good for you.”

“See that’s the thing…I don’t know when there’s gonna be a good time for me.” Your furrowed brows and slight head tilt causes his nerves to grow not sure how you’ll take his news. “I’m a truck driver…a-and my schedule right now can have me gone weeks at a time. Not that it’s always like that though! It’s uh just for the time being.”

Now this could go a few ways. Most popular from his experiences lately, was a laugh in the face how that’s not much of a real job. Or immediately declining any chance of a date happening since he wasn’t in a certain tax bracket. More specifically, a rich tax bracket.

Plus trucker’s didn’t really have the best reputation thanks to those horror movies.

“Oh….well…I guess dinner is out of the question then.”

Slowly nodding his head before his gaze stays glued to the ground below with hands deep in his pockets, he can’t say he’s surprised by your response. In fact, he knew you deserved more.

Someone who could give you more whether that be material things or their time.

“Physically that is.”

Using his fingers to comb his hair out of his face, his own adorably furrowed eyebrows leave you smitten already. “Come again?”

“There’s always FaceTime? Or Skype if that’s not good for you?”

“No! No, FaceTime definitely works.”

“Alright, then it’s a date?”

“It’s a date,” you both smile hopeful for what could come next.


Searching through the basket, a delightful grin graces your lips finding everything you’d need for a relaxing night in. A couple of your favorite scented bath bombs and salts, bubble bath liquid along with the adjoining lotion sure to have everyone on the floor smelling you, and even a pair of new baby blue pajamas.

You can definitely tell Ari picked them out from the nearly see-through material and lace on the matching tank top and shorts.

“Aww honey, you shouldn’t have.”

“I wanted to.” You can hear the wind rush past his ear as he walks outside. “Oh, and food should be there in five, 10 minutes.” He truly is a treasure that man.

“If we weren’t already married I swear I’d be over there down on one knee,” you state making a hearty laugh escape his lips.

“I’m glad you love your surprise gorgeous. Now go take a bath and spend the rest of the night not thinking about work. That beautiful brain and body deserves rest.” The scrape of a chair scooting against the floor along with small chattering tell you he’s more than likely at a diner. It’s where he usually liked to stop when he was hungry and had the time.

“Okay okay, I’ll go after the food comes,” you smile settling against the pillows of your couch. “What’re you getting?”

“Don’t know yet,” he sighs scanning the plastic menu in his hands. “Part of me wants just a regular burger and fries then the other wants something different. Wanna help me pick?”

“Sure, then after maybe you could help me with something?”

“Of course, what’s up?”

“Nothing,” you answer suddenly shy as you twirl the tie of your pants around your finger. “I was just thinking after you’re done and I’m in the tub…you could um help me relax even more.” You’d think as long as you’ve been together, and as many times you’ve partaken in this type of “quality time”, it’d be easier to come out and say.

All you can hear from the other end is rustling with shouts of “hey” and “you can’t be back here” before Ari repeatedly says sorry as he moves about.


“Yea I’m still here sweetheart, hold on,” he states before placing the phone to his chest. “Hey Lucille, I got an emergency to take care of but can you get a number four ready for me? Yea just give me a call when it’s ready, I’ll come pick it up.”

It takes everything in you trying to hold in your laughs from his “oof” followed by another sorry. The wind rushes by once more as he jogs along the dark asphalt to the cab hidden within the waiting truck. Soon the undeniable thud of the driver side door closing, and click of the cab’s, fills your ears instinctively making you bite your lip in anticipation for what was to come.

“Alright gorgeous you helped me, now it’s only right I return the favor.”

Taglist:@fumbling-fanfics@honeychicana@lady-olive-oil@themyscxiras@melinda-january@lovelymari4@justile@sunsetfreedom05@jackiekae@luvingmyships@give-me-a-million-dollars-pls@bekinds@ladydmalfoy@maxcullen@curlyhairclub@plokyu23@fullofmelaninsarcasmandepression@nunubug99@felicity-x0@ellixthea@jojolu@jnk-812@captainsamwlsn@wildfirecracker@nina-sj@iammyownlover@chaneajoyyy@thesecretlifeofdaydreamss @damnitta @literaturefeen @bamondomesticity @scoop93535 @secretmysteriousperson

If anybody wants to be tagged, has asked to be tagged but don’t see your name, only wants to be tagged for certain people I write for (can be found in masterlist), or no longer wish to be tagged just let me know! Also if you’d rather opt to turn on notifications for my page that’s fine too!

| Trailer Park!Ari Levinson x inexperienced!reader (2000s Trailer Park AU)

|fluff, trailer park neighbours-to-lovers, AGE GAP, bartender!Ari, dilf!Ari, Ari Levinson x OCs, reader x other Cs (mentioned), innocent!reader, cigarettes, alcohol, beefy 6’8” Ari, soft!/dom!Ari, flirting, nicknames, size difference, manhandling, possessive behaviour, accidental voyeurism, SMUT - minors DNI, daddy kink, size kink, innocence/ruined kink, unprotected sex, oral, fingering, p*ssy slapping, dirty talk, degradation, dumbification, spitting, dacryphilia, breeding kink, squirting, cumplay, creampie(s), specific warnings in each part

| The sun of ‘06 is brutal this summer, especially in Flamingo Trailer Park, the land of big hearts and cheap tricks, you’ve been here for years unlike your “new” neighbour, Ari. He’s older, bigger, and intimidating, the local rockstar, and you, well, aren’t you just the sweetest girl in the whole-damn city?

♫ ·゚

/ | 4.67K

/ | he’s here, dirty trailer daddy is here !! from this post. thank you everyone for sending asks, you’ve all helped me write this fic !! bc this is me, there will be cameos from other cevans/sebstan characters. In this version of the 80s, there’s cellphones and a bunch of other things bc I’m me. Inspired by Lana Del Rey songs (complete list here). No gifs/photos belong to me, found the pics on Pinterest, all credits go to the original creators. And I present, another dirty daddy for the books. All mistakes are my own. [smut=*] ☼ - ☼

I don’t do taglists anymore. ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ & : @- 

Feel free to send asks about this verse!

˗ˏˋˎˊ˗ ⋰˚ .. & .

: (1/3)

1/3: Old Ricky’s and The Den

2/3: Toothache and Dandy Andy’s Diner— June 10 @ 9pm EST

3/3: Mermaid Motel— June 17 @ 9pm EST

/: (& fave drabbles)

anal and overstimulation*

sitting in Ari’s lap

part one inspo*

laundry day

you lose your voice*


: #fk drabble


all asks|ideas|spicy videos|pics/videos/tiktoks|art


