#arryn zech


Some time ago I found what happened to Arryn Zech, the voice actress of Blake from Rwby, and I wanted to make her something to show that we support her. You went through something very hard, and I simpatize with that, I went through something familiar. But now you’re in a better place now, mentally and physically, I hope, you’ve got many people on your side that supports you. I know how hard can be when someone manipulates you and makes your mental health decrease, that’s why I simpatized so much with you. The flowers I choose were narcissus and daisies. They are ideal for that of a new beginning, they evoke happiness, joy, and prosperity.


“In regards to my last stream, I said what I said, and I stand by it. There is no real time or right way to speak about abuse. The policing of me finally doing so has been vile, and I said nothing that wasn’t true. If you choose to take a twenty-second clip out of the full context of a two-hour stream, that’s not on me. That’s on you for not doing your due diligence.

You speak on mental health and having compassion for those with mental health problems, yet you’ve also sent me death threats, aggressive and constant hate for years, found my phone number to send me pictures of my ex’s wedding, texted my mother, sent me e-mails and actual mail to my actual house. Called me a rat, a goblin, fat, everything under the sun. Tried to hack into my social media accounts, continuously tag me on Instagram in photos of my ex, and then you have the audacity to tell me to move on as if you haven’t been the ones holding me hostage to them with all of these things.

It’s been daily for almost 5 years now. How do you not see how this over time could absolutely break someone? I personally suffer from depression, anxiety, an eating disorder, and body dysmorphia, and yet, you still send me this vitriol. Where’s your compassion then? Last year I was silent and you still managed to find something to be upset with me about. So I had all of these things along with what was happening in my own actual long-term relationship. So of course I’m going to be upset and use this platform to finally speak out.

I’m obviously still scared of that man, and I’m obviously scared of you. This is my safe space. I have every right to speak about my past. Nothing you say can change the fact that I lived it. I was there, you were not. I’m not spreading rumors by speaking about my own history. You however, will forever repeat the same untrue thing over and over and over until you’re blue in the face, no matter how many times you’ve been told it’s not true. No matter how much proof you have to the contrary.

My stealing anxiety medication or telling my ex to get over it when he had a panic attack at a convention didn’t happen.

Removing my ex from the crowd of fans surrounding our hotel in France, AFTER we’d been followed by them the whole day? He paid me to do that.

My “stealing Ellie”? Where’s all this energy for Clover? Because we got both of the dogs together over a year into our relationship.

My cheating on an ex, a prior ex, with a girl? That partner and I had a conversation about it before hand, because we were two adults in a relationship with communication.

That partner never had any problems with my sexuality. The only one who’s ever taken issue with it was my most recent ex. They were not happy when they found out I was bisexual and in that relationship I was never out and proud.

The people angry with me for laughing or smiling when saying these things — I laugh to break discomfort.

Do you have any idea how embarrassed I am that I let all of that go on for so long? How nervous and scared I am to come out with this now? It took over a year to get to a place where I felt healed and safe enough to finally say a fraction of what happened to me. And now I’m happy for having let it out, and I’m done with this.”

Arryn Zech

Twitch stream on 07/01/2020

Addressing harmful rumors perpetuated by members of the bellarke fandom as well as the abuse she endured from them and her ex, Bob Morley


The 2nd part of the RWBY panel at Wizard World Chicago.  Regrettably, I wasn’t able to record the entire beginning.

Yooooo, LGBT character confirmed in Volume 6! Thank you, Doc!


Just a little video from the RWBY panel at Wizard World Chicago 2018.  I manage to ask a question down the line and I think that the girls had fun with it.  I just wish that I heard what Kara’s response was, though.


RWBY Panel [ RTX 2018 ]

Blake’s & Weiss’ VAs Make A Pun Before Yang’s VA
