#art by sam

@etiepe commissioned me to create a few costume designs (here done in pen and marker) for their Echn@etiepe commissioned me to create a few costume designs (here done in pen and marker) for their Echn

@etiepe commissioned me to create a few costume designs (here done in pen and marker) for their Echnida fic! I had a lot of fun trying to come up with what an adult Adrien would look like, in the context of the fic, as the butterfly miraculous holder. Below the cut, there’s also a watercolor comic of a scene later on in the fic.

Click for better quality, and do not repost.

Buy me a ko-fi!

[Text: Seriously, Plagg, youneed to try this bubbly liquid!]

Post link

It’s a certain someone’s 24th birthday today, so of course I had to give her this quick warm-up doodle of 24 y/o Kagaminette. (Fun fact: this is the first chibi doodle I’ve ever done! Another fun fact: this is my second time posting it after tumblr screwed up my queue and posted it a day early.)


So, happy birthday @purrincess-chat! Thank you for blessing me every day with pics of Mipha and with your charming, lovely personality. Becoming friends with you has easily been one of the highlights of getting more involved with the ML fandom. I look forward to another year of watching you attempt to defeat Darkov and being left awestruck by your incredible writing. ❤✨

Click for better quality, and please do not repost.

Now, onto creator notes:

For those of you who keep sending me requests, I’ve included my ko-fi link in the image. I really appreciate that you like my ideas and writing and ramblings and whatnot, but I have to be honest- money is tight and I can’t afford to do everyone’s requests for free. I’ve been and will continue to be focusing on my commissions (writing and art) for the foreseeable future. I’ll be sharing a few of the completed pieces within the next few weeks.

So, please support me on ko-fi if you have a request! My fees are listed on the page and are fairly standard. Again, I love that you all enjoy my content- at this point in time I have somewhere between 50 and 100 unanswered asks sitting in my inbox- and hope you’ll be willing to support me on ko-fi so I can continue to provide the content you desire :)
