#art recommendations


Hi everyone! I recieve asks about my commissions all the time  - and though I still do take them on from time to time, as of now my time for commission work is limited, and the waiting times are getting a bit ridiculous.


SO! As I get through the current workload, please let me recommend some artist friends of mine in the meantime. They all draw in different styles and have their own special approaches to character art, and you should totally check them out if you’re looking to get your character drawn relatively soon. Please give their websites a look and feel free to shoot them a message if any of the works catch your attention!

MizuShiba:https://mizushibart.tumblr.com/|https://www.artstation.com/mizushiba (best to contact her via e-mail: [email protected])




(Side note: if you messaged me about a commission and did not recieve a reply I apologize - some messages get lost in the chaos sometimes. I’ll be digging through my message box today and tomorrow, so please expect a reply soon!)
