#arthur conan doyle imagine


You both spend the day on edge when Arthur acts out of sorts, until you finally confront him about what has been on his mind.   


Requestedby@rat-lol​: “(Giving you something other than a kink or smut ask.) Can I request a story where it’s kind of like the story event of “With This Ring” except Y/N saw straight through Arthur’s lies. While she’s sitting on his lap, she pulls him into a hug, running her fingers through his hair, gently coaxing him to tell her what’s been bothering him. Eventually he tells her that he doesn’t think he’s good husband material and that he thought that if he changed then he would be bettee husband material. [2] (sorry for the long ask.) She the kisses his brow and tells him that he doesn’t have to change anything for her and that he is perfect just the way he his. From the top of his head to the tips of his toes, he is perfect in everyway. She also tells him that whoever told him that he’s not good husband material can fuk right off. Tell me what you think” 

A/N: So this took a long time :D I am SO sorry it is only now being posted T-T.

“Still?” a sigh escaped you as you stared at the Comte. 

“Unfortunately, yes, I have tried to turn him down but he insists on meeting you, he is very keen to do so and he says that our relationship would be solidified if you accepted his hand in marriage.”

“M-marriage? Why did he take this a step further?” 

“I would not be able to tell you what his change of heart would have been, but in this instance, my word alone will not be able to convince him. He would have to hear it directly from you.” 

A creaking floorboard outside Comte’s room tore your attention away from the conversation momentarily. 

“Apologies, ma chérie, but I will need to conclude this now, I have business to attend to with Leonardo.” he smiled sweetly. 

“Of course, thank you for your time, I will meet him tomorrow.” you nodded politely before placing your empty tea cup on the tray and walking towards the door. Back to the chores. 


A shiver ran up your spine, breaking your train of thought, how am I ever going to do this? 

“It’s a bit cold isn’t it?” You questioned, shaking your head in an attempt to get rid of this morning’s discussion from your brain, as you snuggled into Arthur’s side, walking on the hard paved road.

“It is, sorry sweetheart, this is the last errand of the day and we can go straight home.” He gave you a tight smile as he kept you by his side in an attempt to keep you warm. 

For someone that was very good at observing and inspecting, he was doing a very poor job at concealing his own feelings. He had seemed on edge the whole day, somewhat distant – distant for Arthur anyway. It wasn’t something common for him to conceal important thoughts like this from you for this long, but you picked up on it instantly. It also made your mind race, what on earth could he be thinking about that might have made him so uneasy? 

Despite making you overthink about every single problem that he might have with you,  you wanted to respect his boundaries, trusting he will tell you when he is ready. 

Trying to ignore the nagging feeling that was eating at your thoughts that were at the back of your mind, you followed him inside the shop, breathing out as the warmth comforted your cold limbs. 

“Stay right here,” he instructed, going to the back of the shop. Furrowing your eyebrows, you looked around. A florist? Why on earth was he buying flowers for? And for whom? Surely it couldn’t be for another girl, you guys are exclusive, but why would he take you here, it would spoil the surprise, no? He hasn’t been seeing anyone, or has he? Is that what he wanted to talk to you about? Everything seemed fine this morning.

“Over here darling.” he came out, with a grin.. and a bouquet of flowers, “this is for you,” he pecked your temple, handing the beautiful selection into your arms.

“Why did you buy me flowers?” on any other day, you would have melted at his sweet action, but it almost feels like he is forcing an even more affectionate side of him that felt really out of place. The pit that you had tried to get rid of had reformed at a rapid rate in your stomach. Something was definitely coming, and you hated not having visibility on it. 

“Thank you,” you smiled back, trying to hide the growing uneasiness. Lacing your arms together, he escorted you back to the residence. 


A shaky sigh escaped you as you filled up the vase with water. Tonight, you had made the decision that you absolutely had to confront him about what was so off about him. Otherwise, you would not be able to have a smidge of sleep. 

For some reason, the residence was very empty at the moment, only the occasional soul roaming about in the corridors for something to eat. The lack of interaction with other residents did not help your turbulent mind. You hoped that everything would have been sorted out tonight, although it was a naive thought to have. It could be out of your control entirely. 

Opening the wrapping paper once the stems had set into the vase, fingertips delicately pulling it out and patting the bottom-side of the petals to make sure they stay in a nicely arranged manner. 

Alright, let’s do this. 

After a small breath, you put your head up, vase in hand, and walked up the stairs. 

Knocking on the door when you arrived at his room, and only opening it once you heard his audible acknowledgement. You put on a brave face, dreading the worst. 

“Hey sweetheart,” he smiled, putting his glasses down, deciding that he had finished reviewing his work, and turning towards you. 

After returning the gesture, you glanced at the bed.

“Can we cuddle?” his eyebrows raised in surprise, but he quickly complied. Sliding onto the bed, you propped yourself up slightly against the pillows.

Following suit, he laid beside you, expecting you to put your head into his chest like you usually did, but this time, you guided his head to your shoulder, cuddling him against your chest. 

 Clearly surprised by this, he looked up at you, his cheek right against yours.

“What is this about, my love?” his arms wrapped around your waist, cheek against your collarbone. 

“About you, what is wrong? You have been on edge all day.” your hands play with his hair in a soothing manner, and he found himself sighing in content. 

“Nothing, just a little tired.”

“I’ve seen you tired and this ain’t it.” you purse your lips, not accepting his statement as an excuse. 

“I don’t feel like I’m good enough for you.” he mumbled, hoping you didn’t pick that up.

“Why do you even think that?” you picked it up alright. You were offended by it and it showed.

“Well, I’m not exactly marriage material am I?”  then it clicked. Of course he heard about the conversation you had with Le Comte, how did you not piece those two things together? 

“Oh, baby,” you cooed, cupping his cheeks and kissing his forehead. He flushed in embarrassment, “why are you so stupid?” a chuckle escaped you, and this time he turned around and sunk in your chest, away from your eyes. 

“Do you really think I care to marry?” 

He turned around in confusion, having prepared for many different versions of scolding but not this one.

“What?” a mere whisper escaped him. After sighing, you kissed his forehead again, holding him closer and muttering,

“I don’t care for marriage. Now or in the future. As long as I’m with you, and whether you want to get married at all, I will happily wait, because I’ll still be spending the rest of my life with you regardless, and that’s more than any proposal could ever do.” Arthur locked eyes with you with a hopeful look. He probably did not realise how desperate he appeared. 

“Are you serious?” 

“I’m shocked you even question it,” you answered after a short scoff. Timidly, he hugged you tighter, burying his face in your neck, feeling the relief wash over him, “you’re a silly man Arthur.” a smile slowly etched itself on your face.

“I’m not!” he shot up, propping himself up on his arms and hovering over you whilst holding your gaze. His slight pout accompanied with his offended face made him look even more adorable. 

“You really are very silly,” with a finger under his chin, you brought him closer, “silly that you should even be swayed by the proposal of another man.” you gave him a tender kiss, hand travelling into his hair as he kissed back, pushing you back down on the bed to control the kiss. 

“I love you sweetheart,” he breathed out, mesmerised, laying his body on top of yours. 

“I love you too,” his hand cupped your cheek for another, more passionate kiss.  

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