#arthur d jenkins

As The Textile Museum prepares to move the Arthur D. Jenkins Library of Textile Arts, volunteers (frAs The Textile Museum prepares to move the Arthur D. Jenkins Library of Textile Arts, volunteers (frAs The Textile Museum prepares to move the Arthur D. Jenkins Library of Textile Arts, volunteers (frAs The Textile Museum prepares to move the Arthur D. Jenkins Library of Textile Arts, volunteers (frAs The Textile Museum prepares to move the Arthur D. Jenkins Library of Textile Arts, volunteers (frAs The Textile Museum prepares to move the Arthur D. Jenkins Library of Textile Arts, volunteers (frAs The Textile Museum prepares to move the Arthur D. Jenkins Library of Textile Arts, volunteers (fr

As The Textile Museum prepares to move the Arthur D. Jenkins Library of Textile Arts, volunteers (from left to right) Susan Dichter, Gayle Gibbons, and Margaret Yamamoto work diligently to label books, assess and rehouse photographs, and catalog archival material. The library will reopen with the new museum at the George Washington University in late fall 2014.

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