#arthur morgan x albert mason



Here I am, super late, but @artofadmin​ I was your secret cupid. I wrote some Arthur and Albert fluff for you, I do hope you enjoy it. So sorry again that it’s late!

Characters:Albert Mason, Arthur Morgan
Pairing: 2AM, Albert x Arthur
Themes: Fluff, Pre-relationship, just cute shit
[ko-fi ] || [ ao3]


Chance Meeting

Saint Denis. 

Arthur adjusted himself in the saddle. Why Dutch wanted anything to do with this city was beyond him, especially after Blackwater. He slowed Ulysses to a lazy walk as he wound his way through the streets, keeping an eye out for employment opportunities in the city. 

He eventually found himself on the main drag, crowds of carriages and pedestrians filled the street. The chime of a trolley car filtered through the dun of activity, the noise grated in Arthur’s ears, another reason he hated the city. Making his way to the Bastille Saloon, he tied up Ulysses and gave the horse an apple, promising to be back soon. 

The saloon was surprisingly busy for how early it was and Arthur moved to the bar to order a drink. He placed a handful of coins on the table and motioned for the bartender to leave the bottle, turning his attention to the poker table, the men around the table talked raucously. 

“Seat taken?” He asked, pulling out one of the empty chairs. 

The man next to him sized him up, a predatory smile sliding across his face as he waved for Arthur to take a seat.

“Join us! Join us! Take a seat, stranger!”

Arthur tipped his hat and sat down, placing the bottle of whisky on the table. The men quietly returned to their conversations. Arthur poured himself a shot before reaching into his bag and pulling out a handful of cash. He held it out long enough for the other players to notice before looking up at the dealer.

“How much I got to put down to play?” He fumbled with the money in his hands.

“Five dollars.” Said the dealer, almost sympathetically. 

Arthur counted out the bills and pushed them across the table,  the dealer traded it for chips before he picked up the deck of cards and shuffled them.

“Alright, gentlemen. Bets in.” He said and started to deal as the men bid. 

Arthur pulled his cards toward himself, sneaking a quick peek at his hand.

“So— ” a voice broke the silence at the table, ”—you don’t look like you’re from around here, lad. What brings you to town?”

Arthur filled his glass again, looking up at the man, finding all eyes at the table were on him.

“I was sellin’ some cattle to one of the farms just east of town,” he shrugged.

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