#arthur x female reader



Chapter links: 1,2

Summary:Y/N and Arthur share a delightful life, one that isn’t perfect but wholly theirs. When his struggles take a serious turn, she’s surprised by the toll it exacts. Though the steps they’ll have to take aren’t easy, walking them together makes all the difference.

Warnings: Angst, Swearing, Struggles with mental illness


A/N: Thanks again to @sweet-nothings04​ for beta-reading and sharing her thoughts and feedback! When you’re in the thick of a story, you can become blind to obvious solutions and she’s been so helpful. Thanks to my wonderful readers, too! 

If you have any thoughts or questions, please comment, feel free to message me, or send me anask! I’m still working on requests and Way Back Home!

The telephone rang at 9:47 PM. Y/N stuck her head out of the bedroom, pulled her nightgown past her shoulders. Calls this late were seldom, even with Mabel’s disregard of time zones. Odds were it was Patricia checking in under the guise of chewing the fat, which had already been nibbled twice today. Or Greater Gotham Cable peddling their latest “preferred customer deal” of twenty-eight stations for only $12.99 a month, plus a free trial of the Gentlemen’s Club, guaranteed to make even the most reserved viewer bust a button - an offer Y/N was sure to decline. She padded through the living room to the kitchen, lowering the window shades along the way, and answered the phone with a yawned hello.


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