#article titles


i cannot fucking stand click bait article titles. they need to stop. i was on pinterest and saw this promoted article: “are you really drinking water at the right time of day?”


we can’t think for ourselves anymore because there’s a fucking article around every corner telling us why we’re wrong. we can’t listen to our bodies anymore because there’s an article on every website proclaiming the negative side effects and aspects to every little thing we do.

“10 reasons why diet x isn’t working for you.” “are you doing x at the right time of the day?” “7 signs your relationship is x.” “this is why you need product/food/practice x in your life.”

all this is doing is further breeding massive amounts of doubt and insecurity in everyone. not only are we living in a society that literally profits off of instilling outrageously negative thoughts about ourselves and our bodies, but now we live in a time where the only thing that matters are clicks and likes and shares. they do not care if you are filled with anxiety about your diet or your relationship or your body because you read that article. they only care that you are now part of a statistic that proves that scare tactic/doubt infusing marketing works.

if you read these articles, stop. disengage. you are letting everyone who only cares about likes and clicks and shares dictate your beliefs and thoughts about every aspect of your life. these articles are only being written so that the titles instill enough self doubt so that you click the article to read it. you are giving away your power. take. it. back. fuck them. you know better and they sure as hell don’t know you.

if you are writing these articles, stop. are you really happy that you are furthering the crippling self doubt and anxiety hundreds of thousands of people experience on a daily basis? do you really feel that you are writing meaningful content? if you want to write about a topic, do it because you want to. not because you think it’s marketable and will scare the shit out of enough people that they will read it. stop playing the game. you are better than that.
