#artist apps for my zine open tomorrow

yugiohantagonistzine: Meet the Mods: LeoImage Transcript: Leo. Head mod, Duel Monsters & GX mod,


Meet the Mods: Leo

Image Transcript: Leo. Head mod, Duel Monsters & GX mod, artist. 

Hey!! This is my first time running a zine, wow. I’ve participated in 7 zines before as an artist, and I’m excited to be at the head of one! I will be making a piece for the zine, and I love Yu-Gi-Oh! a bunch! I grew up on DM and Zexal, so those’re my favorite Yu-Gi-Oh!Shows. 

My favorite antagonists in Yu-Gi-Oh! are Chazz/Manjome, Bakura, and Vector! 


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