#artist speaks


Idk if people still do these types of posts but
Thanks for 800+ followers! It means alot to me, especially now since I’ve been struggling with my art and motivation.

I just came back to change my age in my bio and i find 141 of you liked my last post…where did you all come from?




it’s like. theoretically fine that four isn’t a system, that wasn’t my personal headcanon, but uh.

as someone with DID the way jojo handled it is really pretty shitty! million better ways you coulda phrased that one, chief. why the fuck is system in quotes? what does that even mean?

and why so cut and dry? why not just, like, celebrate the fans who do HC it that way, say it wasn’t your intent to write him as a system but you’re glad people like that hc? why not encourage them to keep having those creative, beautiful headcanons? i’m honestly pretty hurt by it tbh. like literally none of what’s actually canon here is problematic, but homie WHY did you fucking phrase it that way. did you just. want to alienate half your fanbase???

idk weird fucking choice and pretty suspicious but jojo also did a whole concept piece making fun of otherkin back in the day so i’m not really shocked if it turns out she’s someone who looks down upon people who fit outside societal norms.

oh sweet hylia thank you guys for reblogging this i was so worried it was gonna flop

pleaaaase if you are feeling shit about this speak out. it takes courage but that’s kind of our whole thing and it DOES make a difference. even if jojo doesn’t ever change her mind, it’ll make the systems following you feel loved & seen & spoken for, and that matters.

i was feeling the same way. i don’t have DID but the quotations felt incredibly targeted. i’m so sorry to anyone that feels hurt right now. lots of hugs for y’all 

All caught up! 139 Manips! This isn’t all of them just the best in my opinion :) Enjoy. 

I plan on making one everyday in 2016… 

see how well I do :D
