#ascension of the cybermen


Doctor Who Spoilers…

So I just finished the newest season of Doctor Who and I can’t help but feel that the Master is not only insane, bloodthirsty, and reckless, but also completely suicidal. He wants to die. He craves death. The way he eggs the Doctor on, begging her to detonate the Death Particle. The way his face falls when she doesn’t. He always seems to come back, every time we think he’s gone. I bet every time he faces death he desperately wishes that it will actually be permanent this time. Every time he comes back he gets angrier, he goes a little more mad, he gets even more desperate for death. Because whatever force is controlling everything just won’t let him die. And he resents it. All that resentment just builds and builds. So he takes it out on the Doctor’s Earth, the Doctor’s friends, the Doctor’s own planet. He pushes her and pushes her in hopes that one day she’ll snap. That she’ll finally finish the job and end his misery.
