


Who the hell are they?

Only two coolest (okay, maybe not the coolest because all of Buzzfeed Video’s guys are all equally cool) person on Youtube nowadays. AshleyandAndrew are Video Producers at Buzzfeed. Okay, so let me introduce you to Buzzfeed Video Universe (as if you don’t know it already). They create several series (you can start here) about daily life, fun facts, foods, or even unimportant facts you’re dying to know on youtube. They have the staffs as the casts on those videos; and each staff (or some of them, the video producer ones) responsible in one certain theme. Other than Ashley and Andrew, we have:






and many other hilarious staffs.

So? Why Ashley and Andrew?

Because ever since they made the videos of them being a couple, people ship them. Yep. #Ashdrew is a real thing. And the shippers are hardcore. They want Ashley and Andrew to be together so badly because they look cute, awkward and crazily hilarious together. Both of them have their own series (Ashley for The Awkward Series; Andrew for The Creepy Series) where sometimes they join their charm super couple power on the videos. The result? Super mega hilarious.

Are they an item?

Of course they are! Or Not. Ooooh, I don’t know. But I would love to see them together. I love them. I ship #ashdrew!!!

Wow! 750 reposts and likes. Thank you all
