#ask away

Late to the party but I wanna do this! Feel free to ask me any characters from any series!! Looking

Late to the party but I wanna do this! Feel free to ask me any characters from any series!! Looking forward to it >:3

Post link


I’ve seen this done a lot for fanfics and writers, but I haven’t seen many for artists, so I decided to make one! feel free to rb and do it with your followers as well c:


  1. how would you describe your style
  2. what’s your favorite thing about your style
  3. what’s your least favorite thing about your style
  4. favorite thing to draw
  5. least favorite thing to draw
  6. warm colors or cold colors
  7. show us a WIP
  8. what’s the most fun and the least fun parts about your process
  9. show us a finished piece right alongside the original sketch
  10. how many different sketches do you usually have until your piece is finished
  11. show us the last thing you drew, be it a finished piece or a small doodle
  12. show us an old drawing
  13. how long do you usually take on a piece
  14. digital or traditional
  15. if digital, what program do you use
  16. favorite media to work with when drawing traditionally
  17. what do you love getting compliments about
  18. are you satisfied with the attention your art usually gets
  19. how often do you draw
  20. a piece from this year that you’re really proud of
  21. something you would like to improve on
  22. what inspires you
  23. what’s something you hope people notice when looking at your art


Astrology ask game ☄️

sun ⇢ name 5 things you like about yourself?

moon ⇢ do you suppress your feelings?

mercury ⇢ are you a talkative person?

venus ⇢ describe your ideal type

mars ⇢ are you the type to approach others first or do you like others to do that instead?

jupiter ⇢ do you consider yourself a lucky or unlucky person?

saturn ⇢ what are the things you consider you struggle the most?

uranus ⇢ what things do you think should change in society?

neptune ⇢ are you a rational or intuitive person?

pluto ⇢ tell something supernatural that happened to you

ascendant ⇢ do you believe in love at first sight?

IC ⇢ do you think you had a good childhood?

descendant ⇢ what kind of people do you usually attract?

MC ⇢ what kind of reputation do you think you have?

aries ⇢ are you an impulsive person?

taurus ⇢ what’s your favorite food?

gemini ⇢ do you have a good relationship with your siblings? if you’re an only child, would you like to have siblings? how many?

cancer ⇢ do you want to start a family in the future? how many children would you like to have?

leo ⇢ do you like being the center of attention or do you prefer to go unnoticed?

virgo ⇢ do you consider yourself a perfectionist?

libra ⇢ would you like to get married in the future?

scorpio ⇢ do you feel comfortable talking about taboo things?

sagittarius ⇢ what places would you like to travel in the future?

capricorn ⇢ what’s your ideal job?

aquarius ⇢ do you consider yourself an antisocial or social person?

pisces ⇢ what kind of art are you good at? (painting, dancing, singing, etc.)

1H ⇢ describe your style

2H ⇢ do you have any object that you like a little too much? what is it and why?

3H ⇢ what are some of the topics you like to talk about the most?

4H ⇢ which relatives are you the closest with?

5H ⇢ do you have a hobby? which one(s)?

6H ⇢ do you consider yourself a workaholic?

7H ⇢ what do you consider green flags in a relationship?

8H ⇢ what do you consider red flags in a relationship?

9H ⇢ what languages ​​would you like to learn?

10H ⇢ how do you want people to remember you?

11H ⇢ describe your friends in 3 words

12H ⇢ which is/are your biggest fear(s)?

Send some over!


Books and You

Reblog if you want your followers to inbox you with any of the following questions:

A: What’s the first book you see with a red spine?
B: What’s your most expensive book?
C: Do you remember the first book you ever read?
D: What book do you hate that most others love?
E. What are three book blogs (besides macrolit natch ;D) that I should follow?
F: What’s your regular order at Starbucks?
G: What’s your favorite reading spot?
H: What’s the longest book you’ve ever read?
I: Do you have a favorite poet?
J: Favorite woman writer?
K: Favorite male writer?
L: What’s your favorite guilty-pleasure read?
M: Favorite classic?
N: Favorite YA?
O: Favorite contemporary novel?
P: What’s your favorite book by a person of color?
Q: What’s the first book you see with a yellow spine?
R: How many Penguin books do you own?
S: Hardcover or paperback?
T: Used or new?
U: What’s your favorite used bookstore?
V: What’s your reading goal for this year?
W: If you had to eat the same thing every day for a week, what would you choose?
X: What book has your favorite cover art?
Y: Do you have a favorite quote?
Z: If you wrote a book, what would it be about?


 ﹟randomget-to-know-me ask game  !! 

orchid ⇢ what’s a song you consider to be perfect?

cactus  something you’re currently learning (about)?

bamboo  do you change into a different outfit when you get home?

abelia  do you have a particular piece of jewelry you always wear or can’t part with?

daffodil  do you have siblings? if yes, in what ways do you think you’re similar to or different from them?

mahonia  what place, thing, activity inspires you most and how do you express yourself when it does?

chia  what’s an inside joke you have with someone else?

sage  what ‘medium’ of art (poetry, music, fiction, paintings, statues etc.) is the most touching to you? why do you think that is?

edelweiss  how’d you think of your url/username? what’s it associated with to you?

camellia  what were you like when you were younger? do you think you’ve changed a lot?

jasmine  do you have a movie or book you loved but will never watch/read again?

ivy  what are your ‘tells’ for your emotions and moods? how can someone tell you’re happy, annoyed, upset or tired?

chamomile  what kind of things do you like receiving as gifts?

aloe vera  what’s something (mundane) you really want to experience in life?

palm tree  do you have a fictional villain you shouldn’t like but loveregardless?

nutmeg  how’s your room/home decorated? do you have a specific theme or style going on?

papyrus  if you put your ‘on repeat’ playlist on shuffle, what’s the first song that comes up? what do you like about it / associate it with?

taro  if someone called you right now to catch up, what’re the things you’d tell them about?


  1. What made you start writing fanfic? 
  2. Which of your own fanfics have you reread the most? 
  3. Describe the differences between your first fanfic and your most recent fanfic.
  4. Do you think your style has changed over time? How so? 
  5. You’ve posted a fic anonymously. How would someone be able to guess that you’d written it? 
  6. Name three stories you found easy to write.
  7. Name three stories you found difficult to write.
  8. What’s your ratio of hits to kudos? 
  9. What do your fic bookmarks say about you? 
  10. What’s a theme that keeps coming up in your writing? 
  11. What kind of relationships are you most interested in writing?
  12. For E-rated fic, what are some things your characters keep doing? 
  13. Name three favorite characters to write.
  14. You’re applying for the fanfic writer of the year award. What five fanfics do you put in your portfolio? 
  15. Question of your choice!


Send me some!
1. First console you’ve ever owned?
2. First game you played?
3. Favorite childhood game?
4. Longest consecutive hours you’ve played a game?
5. Game with the best soundtrack?
6. An underrated game from within the last few years?
7. Most disappointing game you’ve played?
8. The game with the best atmosphere/scenery?
9. Last game you played?
10. Prefer PC or console?
11. Have you written any fanfic or made any fanart?
12. Most bizarre game you’ve ever played?
13. Scariest game you’ve played?
14. Do you watch playthroughs online?
15. Favorite animal in a video game?
16. The best year in gaming you’ve experienced?
17. Have a video game themed background or lockscreen?
18. Worst game you’ve played?
19. Hardest game you’ve ever played?
20. Favorite publisher and/or developer?
21. If you had to play one game for the rest of your life, what would it be?
22. If you could turn one game into movie, which would it be?
23. Favorite genre of video game?
24. Ever cried because of a video game? Which one(s)?
25. Proudest accomplishment in gaming?
26. How often do you play online? Co-op?
27. Have you gotten any friends into gaming?
28. Who got YOU into gaming?
29. Watch cutscenes or skip them?
30. On average, how long does it take you in the character creation screen?
31. Game with the best theme song?
32. Do you cosplay?
33. Favorite female npc?
34. Favorite male npc?
35. Best protagonist? 
36. Best antagonist?
37. Ever been made fun of for playing video games?
38. Have you tried a game, hated it, then tried again, and loved it?
39. Do you play for achievements/trophies?
40. Favorite voice actor?
41. Gone to a midnight release before?
42. A game you will never forget (in a bad OR good way)?
43. Favorite sidekick or companion?
44. Do graphics matter?
45. Do you like funny or more serious games?
46. Always, sometimes, or never use subtitles?
47. First person or Third person?
48. A game you’ve always wanted to play but have never gotten to it?
49. A game you haven’t played in forever, but want to replay?
50. How many games to do you own?
51. First character you’ve had a crush on?
52. A game you will always stand behind, and support no matter what?
53. Your most immersive game?
54. A sequel you really want?
55. How much time, on average, do you play in a week?
56. Do you tell people irl that you play video games?
57. What is an overrated game you’ve played?
58. Ever have someone walk in on a sex scene between you and you LI?
59. A game you are looking forward to this year?
60. The game you are best at?
61. A game you know everything about?
62. Would you want to work with video games when you are older?
63. What’s a game that has inspired you?
64. Describe your favorite video game using only three words?
65. Any favorite screenshots of games?
66. Game with the yummiest looking food?
67. Most violent game you’ve played?
68. An older game that you’ve just recently gotten into?
69. Your first LI?
70. Do you play any mobile games?
71. A game you can’t stop talking/thinking about at the moment?
72. Have any guilty pleasure games?
73. A game with the best fandom?
74. Which game has the best lore?
75. Do you focus on main storyline/quest or do sidequests first?


If anyone has a wee Drabble request, I’m very much feeling this list of prompts right now and would love to do some writing! 

Promps I’ve written so far:

“I don’t have anyone anymore.” - “You have me.” (DeanxReader)

“You need to distract me. Do something, anything.” (DeanxReader)

“What’s it gonna take to make you smile?” (DeanxReader)

“You’re not doing this alone.” (DeanxReader)

“You were always there when I needed you. Let me repay the favor.” (DeanxReader)

“How about I make a quick run to the store, get you some aspirin.” (DeanxReader)

“You are what’s important right now.”(DeanxReader)

“I didn’t know where else to go.”(DeanxReader)

“It’s okay, you know. If you need to vent.”(DeanxReader)

“And you’re absolutely sure this is what you need?”(DeanxReader)

“You’re not a burden.”(DeanxReader)

“We could stay like this, holding each other.”(DeanxReader)

“I don’t mean to bother you.” “You’re not.”(DeanxReader)

“You can stay here, if you like.”(CasxReader)

“Hey, hey, hey, it’s okay… it’s okay. You’re okay.”(DeanxReader)

“Aren’t you tired?” - “This isn’t about me.”(SamxReader)

Currently in the works:

“You didn’t force me, I volunteered to be here remember?“ (with Sam)

***side note*** I am no longer taking requests on Anon. Please use your blog name when submitting!


If anyone has a wee Drabble request, I’m very much feeling this list of prompts right now and would love to do some writing! 
