#asks for ts


I like to think of connor as really struggling to find himself post revolution. He was built to be a social chamelon, so now that he’s on his own he really doesn’t know what he actually likes and dislikes. He just tries to…accommodate how other people think he should be. Its one of the reason I love convin - I feel like gavin would be the one to tell connor to cut the bullshit and stop trying to impress him - just be himself instead. And when Gavin realizes that Connor doesn’t know who he really is inside…. Gavin helps him find it. I think Con would also be riddled with a lot of guilt about his actions pre-deviancy, and it takes a lot of healing to get through that. He has his days where he’s too depressed to get out of bed, and he has his days where he tries to forget it all by burying himself in work instead. I like a tougher, sharp-tongued Connor. Professional and witty, rather than the soft, innocent, helpless (and fashion-challenged) connor that we often see.

I’m not sure which Big Bang this is? I am participating in the Reed900 reverse big bang!

I’m sorry, I really don’t have any good resources for this. I learn art just by doing studies and playing around with tools in the program. The best way to learn how to use the adjustment features is just to take a finished piece that has good color variation snd play around with it. Use Levels, Gradient maps, saturation and contrast…. see what each of them does to the picture you’re using. Challenge yourself to try and take a dark, muddled picture and make it bright and clear. Or take a blue and green picture, and change it to a red and orange palette. I wish I had better advice for you, but its a tough one to show, and I don’t have a way of recording video of me adjusting levels on a painting as an example.

The liquify tool is my best friend. Its so useful for getting proportions right because instead of having to redraw something a million times and it never quite being right… instead you can expand, push, blend, move, change the angle on even the tiniest little parts of a drawing. I just stare back and forth between a reference and my painting and make tiny tiny tiny adjustments to the facial features until it looks like a replica. Nose is like four pixels too wide? Shrink it. Corner of the eye is a degree too sharp? Rotate it slightly up. And when i say i stare back and fourth i mean literally i probably look like a kitten watching a toy flicking my head back and fourth between the drawing and the reference five hundred times before i make an actual change. Its… a long process lmao
