#asks not for me


Birthday with Loki

requested by @lokislittlewarrior: Today is my birthday and I was wondering if someone could by chance do a Loki imagine based on that for me? I’d be ever so grateful

notes: I think I might misunderstood it and went with a little one shot… hope you still like it. Happy Birthday nevertheless!!

tw: fluff, insecurity

word count: 1.3k

The sun peered over the horizon and soft rays lit your room. The shrill sound of your alarm clock tore you out of a beautiful dream that you couldn’t remember, only a pleasant feeling remained. With the feeling of your dream still lingering and buzzing through you, you started your day. Today was your birthday, after all. You had thought about taking a day off, but since your family and friends wouldn’t come to your party until the weekend and you didn’t feel like spending the day alone, you decided against it.

At the same time in a magnificent palace in another realm, doubt gnawed at a young prince. Loki knew that today was your Midgardian birthday and that it was special but here on Asgard time was measured differently and not every birthday was celebrated. So the dark haired man was in a predicament. Should he go by Asgardian custom and just wish you a pleasant day or should he follow the ones from Midgard where the people threw big parties for their birthdays every year?

He scolded himself for never talking about that with you. Both of you could talk about everything and it never bored him. He enjoyed your conversation very much. A fond smile appeared on his handsome features when he thought about you and the time you spent with each other.

Meanwhile on earth, half of your work day was already over. All of your colleagues congratulated you, even your boss treated you to dinner. All in all it was a pleasant and fun day but something didn’t feel right. Your boyfriend hasn’t messaged you or showed up yet and the fact that he might have forgotten you got to you. You were aware that your boyfriend, being the prince of Asgard and currently residing there, couldn’t just pop up so easily but despite that you still had hoped that he would surprise you.

When the sun began to sink over the horizon and golden light danced over Midgard, Loki had finally made up his mind and was on his way to Heimdall. After he consulted his brother and his mother, he came to the conclusion that you would be upset and even sad should he not show up on your birthday. So with a few hours of sunlight left he used the rainbow bridge to see you.

“Finally done for today!”

“Almost weekend… I think it’s time for some beers.”

“Hey Y/N what about you? Got lovey-dovey plans with your boyfriend or do you come and join us for some after work drinks?”

You looked up from packing your belongings into your bag and a frustrated sigh escaped your lips.

“Oh oh, do I sense trouble in paradise?” Your colleague shot you a sympathetic look.

“No, not really. It’s just…” You nibbled at your bottom lip. “He hasn’t called yet, is all.”

Another colleague put a hand on your shoulder. “If you defend him with that stupid excuse that he is busy, then save it.”

“Yep, heard that one a million time. What kind of boyfriend forgets his girl’s birthday?”

Your head sunk low and your mood soured even more. They had a point. As much as you loved Loki and as much as you showed understanding for his royal duties, you couldn’t defend him every time.

You tightened your shoulders, grabbed your bag and made a decision.

“You’re right. I can’t defend him all the time. I’m coming with you!”

General cheers and approval could be heard and the group made their way to your favorite bar.

Loud music thumped in your ears and the beat vibrated in your chest, leaving a pleasant buzz running through you. It was the right choice to join your colleagues and have a little fun, especially on your birthday. Another round of shots were placed on your table and the mood bursted with good vibes. As you were a mixed group there was some flirtatious dancing involved but nothing too heavy as you all were respectful of each other. It was just dancing and having fun with some friends.

The playful atmosphere changed when a slow song spurted out of the speakers and wafted over the dance floor. Only seconds later the floor was filled with couples dancing sensually to the love song. Your whole group was on the dance floor, either with a partner or alone. But you stayed behind, sulking in self-pity that your handsome boyfriend abandoned you.

Apathetically you sipped at your drink, not noticing the tall figure closing in on you from behind. It was easy tracking you down with Heimdall’s help, but the fact that you weren’t at home waiting for him, irritated Loki. Normally you would refuse an invitation from your colleagues but today you accepted and he was to blame for that. He should’ve visited you earlier.

“Would you do me the honor and join me for this dance, my love?”

Surprised by this silky voice close to your ear, you rushed around only to look into the eyes of your unfaithful boyfriend.

There he stood, dressed in an all black suit, one hand outstretched and a warm smile on his lips. You wanted to not give in instantly and made him squirm a little but his disarming smile and the mischievous glint in his eyes melted your resistance on the spot. “What took you so long?” You bickered but took his waiting hand and let him lead you to the dance floor.

Tightly embraced you swayed lightly to the beat of the song. Your colleagues laughed and whistled upon seeing you two. But laying in his arms, feeling his heartbeat and smelling his rich cologne, you couldn’t care less what your colleagues thought. After the song turned into a more upbeat one, Loki signaled you to follow him outside with a quick nod of his head.

“I’m sorry that I didn’t get here sooner. You must have thought, I’ve forgotten you, my love.” Loki took your hands into his and watched your reaction with an apologetic expression. “True I wasn’t thrilled that you didn’t reach out to me in any way, but I know that your duties in Asgard are more important than a mere mortal could ever be.”

Wow you didn’t mean to sound so taunting. But all the talk from your colleagues had made you think and only once you wanted to be treated as a priority. Loki was baffled by your reproach. He never thought that you would think about your role in his life as an implicitness. His gaze softened and he squeezed your hands reassuringly.

“I assure you that I don’t take you for granted. I chose you to be my beloved princess. It saddens me that you feel that way. Tell me, my love, how can I show you that you are the most important person in my life?”

He looked at you questioningly. “Should I move to Midgard for you? I am sure I can rearrange my duties accordingly. Or should we go on a vacation together? There are so many places I want to show you. Speak the word and I make it happen. Anything for you. All I want is you to be happy,”

With every word that left his beautiful lips your heart fluttered more and more. How could you ever doubt this man? If you’d ask he would try and get you the moon and the stars. Thinking of that an idea popped into your head and you interrupted his flood of words.

“Enough, Loki. You don’t have to move in with me here on Midgard. Although a vacation sounds nice but not right now. I am happy when I’m with you, no matter where.” You looked at him lovingly. “Right now, I just wish that you don’t leave me and spend the last remaining hour of my birthday with me.” You intertwined your hand with his and dragged him with you. “Can you make that happen?” You added mockingly. The god of mischief laughed at your teasing tone and tugged at your locked hands. “Whatever my princess demands.”

