#asos jaime vi

mirecuerdoentusojos: This is a Brienne of Tarth Looking Awkward In Dresses appreciation post. (funnymirecuerdoentusojos: This is a Brienne of Tarth Looking Awkward In Dresses appreciation post. (funny


This is a Brienne of Tarth Looking Awkward In Dresses appreciation post.

(funny story: one of these was actually sketched while I was waiting at the doctor’s office, and this guy walks by, looks down and goes “IS THAT THE TOUGH CHICK FROM GAME OF THRONES? AWESOME!”)

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fionacreates:Minor Game of Thrones spoilers! Well you’ve seen the dress now and it was in the traile


Minor Game of Thrones spoilers! Well you’ve seen the dress now and it was in the trailer for next week’s episode anyway.

I drew a little (ok a major) over-exaggeration of Brienne’s ill fitting pink dress of doom  based upon personal experience as a tall girl. Shoulders too narrow and skirt too short and waistline does not sit where it’s meant to.(Plus for added bonus, shoes that are too small, the bane of my life)

Upon meeting Brienne in A Clash of Kings I was a happy bunny. Here was a girl who was abnormally tall, like me, not stereotypically pretty pretty, like me, but who instead of wallowing, got off her arse and did something with her life anyway. Thank you Mr Martin for giving me a woman I could identify with, who, rather than moaning about her lack of having a man, just went out and did her own thing anyway. 

Brienne of Tarth, best character of all time.

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Half her gown was hanging off in tatters, and her left arm dripped blood where the bear had raked her.

At least they gave her a sword.

Brienne inside the Harrenhal bear pit (and Jaime preparing to vault in) as illustrated by Charles Vess in the Subterranean Press editionofA Storm of Swords
