#assassin’s creed syndicate


⚔️ we want a revolution and we’re baying for your blood ⚔️

my submission for the eagle’s path assassin’s creed zine was formal attire frye twins!! it’s an amazingly beautiful project, and free to download now!!

Evie in Syndicate: Cautious tactician

Evie in Underworld: “Agent of chaos”

 evie feeding her brother ‘cause he it makes him feels better(it makes me feels better anyway)

evie feeding her brother ‘cause he it makes him feels better(it makes me feels better anyway)

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i hope you spend st valentines day with people you love and care!!❤️evie and jacob were given a lot i hope you spend st valentines day with people you love and care!!❤️evie and jacob were given a lot

i hope you spend st valentines day with people you love and care!!❤️
evie and jacob were given a lot chocolates from rooks and siblings ate it all together!
-Get you feet off the table!!

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 Evie as a mentor in India Jacob didnt like the idea of evie’s departure to india have not com Evie as a mentor in India Jacob didnt like the idea of evie’s departure to india have not com Evie as a mentor in India Jacob didnt like the idea of evie’s departure to india have not com

Evie as a mentor in India

Jacob didnt like the idea of evie’s departure to india have not communicated for a long time due to Jacob’s stubbornness and resentment. He just doesnt reply Evie’s letters and it makes the big sister so sad

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