#assault mention for ts


I wrote a joke on the bathroom mirror in toothpaste.
It was about how there were four combs on the sink,
which I think is a remarkably high number of combs.

Who were you brushing?? I wrote
and drew a fictional animal with long hair.

My roommates came home and it was like christmas for me,
very proud of myself, lying in wait under the covers, listening.

I heard the mean one, Simon, tell his girlfriend,
There’s a snide note in there
about too much hair in the sink
which was an incorrect reading of my joke.

This caused in me a panic so acute I fainted.

Luckily I was in bed already,
so this was not so different from falling asleep,
except for one potentially noteworthy difference,

which was I dreamt all night
that the men who’ve attacked me in this life (and will ever later)
were swimming through dark, thick water
towards my sleeping body.

I couldn’t move because my body was asleep and
I couldn’t hide because my body was glowing,
like a white ember/ridge of maggot/sliver of soap.

I could not turn
the damned light off!

The water glowed ’round me where I touched it.

Because of the glowing
I saw it was red,
thought,maybe this is not water…
and remembered

the time I drove to Washington, DC
with a girl named Carly who liked to lucid dream
and how in the car Carly told me she had met a shaman once
and that that shaman told her,

In a nightmare, Carly, if you are being chased,
turn around and walk right back towards the thing that is chasing you.
Only one of three things can happen: it will disappear,
it will change into something else, or you will wake up.

When I woke up
I was staring in the mirror,
looking at myself
through the toothpaste message.

Who were you brushing?? the mirror asked.

I reached out and began to smudge brushing??
until all it said was Who were you

Chessy Normile, Great Exodus, Great Wall, Great Party (Copper Canyon Press, 2020)
