#assistive clothing



Slick Chicks
Underwear with side fasteners that can be put on or taken off while sitting, standing, or laying down. Trying to make it easier for people who have a had time lifting their legs and bending, or use a wheelchair.

Bras that have wide bands, no wires, and velcro instead of hook fasteners. This can be a big help if you have limited mobility or chronic pain issues.

Wings Intimates
More underwear that fasten on the side, but with lace and frills and thongs and stuff! No bending needed. 

Tommy Adaptive
Tommy Hilfiger has a line of clothing made to help people get dressed easier. Magnetic buttons that look like typical buttons. Magnetic openings at the neckline to help put on and take off shirts. Wide leg openings, especially useful for prosthetics, braces, casts, etc. One-handed zippers. Side openings.
These clothes are more expensive, but sometimes stuff is on sale.

Pretty cheap adaptive clothing at Target! Things like jeans that are easier to put on, but also sensory friendly clothing! Another cool thing is they have a lot for little kids too.

Sensory friendly, reversible clothes

Post-surgical clothes that are good for hospital visits too. These are more expensive and there’s not a lot of options right now so it’s probably not the best, but I’ll put it out there anyway I guess.

Independence Day Clothing
No buttons or zippers. Basically all the clothes are reversible, can be worn forwards or backwards.

Magna Ready
More magnets! These are more expensive but it has more professional clothes for men, which is something that seemed to be lacking in all the other websites. Dress shirts and pants that have magnets instead of buttons. They even have ties with zippers!

NBZ Apparel
The letters stand for No Buttons or Zippers! They’ve got pants for men and boys. There’s not a lot and they’re not super cheap, but there they are.

Care + Wear
Clothes that are accessible for clinical treatment. Shirts and hoodies with chest port access. Mobility gloves for people who have wheelchairs. PICC Line Covers.

And of course you can always look for stuff on Etsy.com too

So there’s that! Some are good and some are not so good. Some are expensive and others are cheap. But there’s stuff out there and there are options, so that’s always good to know

I’m not familiar with any of these brands, but it looks like good stuff!

I’m currently struggling with bras, so I am currently really appreciating the need for these resources!

(For the past like five years, I haven’t worn a bra at all. But since I started taking birth control to regulate my periods, my breasts have gotten more sensitive, and now it sometimes hurts to walk because they bounce around. So I actually went bra shopping this week. I remember why I hate it. And those little metal clips are absolutely the worst! Why can front-fastening bras not be the default?!? Honestly, I don’t think any woman likes those teeny hooks in the back!)
