

So as none of you know, I am turning 21 in a month! To celebrate, I’m going to compile a list of all the things I did as a 20-year-old and keep adding on to it as I think of stuff. These are in no particular order.

1.  Bought my first car.

2. Went to my first MSU Homecoming Weekend.

3. Saw fireflies for the first time ever. (Yes, I know..)

4. Got my Associates Degree from OCC.

5. Got a new book for latmiyas/nasheeds/prayers (I got my first one in 2003 and it’s falling apart now, so I got a new one in 2013. yay!)

6. Met Fidel Castro’s daughter.

7. Met Grace Lee Boggs (98-year-old feminist and activist from Detroit)

8. Organized my first ever leadership conference..all by myself.

9. Gave a workshop at a Political Issues Convention.

10. Officially became an NMU Wildcat.


I’m going to the UP for the first time, and gonna go to my first Tiger’s game next month! :)
