

ixion (28978)

find your ixion sign and house by going to astro.com —> horoscopes —> extended chart selection —> fill in your information and put 28978 at the manual entry under additional objects

ixion is an astroid that is a lot like pluto, huya and varuna (from my previous posts). ixion was a greek mortal but was treated like a god. but when he committed a crime, he got banned to the tartarus. everyone was disgusted by him for doing this bad thing. he felt so bad about the way he was treated, since he used to be treated like a god. this was a big weak spot and lesson for him.

ixion in astrology is about your weak spot, something you’re just simply unable to do. as long as you admit that this thing is not for you, nothing bad will happen. ixion just shows you where you need a teacher, and where it’s okay to seek for help, nothing the be ashamed about. ixion is exalted in aries.

ixion in;

1st house: this placement can indicate insecurities about the way you look. maybe it’s the way your dress or just your body in general. let others help you to find your style, since this can be very important for you. also tru to care less about how others view you, only your opinion about yourself is worth listening to.

2nd house: with ixion in your second house, you want to be very good at something, and earn a lot of money from this thing. you want to show others you’re worth it. you seek stability and reliability and want to be proud to have this, but for some reason this is hard to get and you need help with it. try to be not too hard on yourself and let others help you.

3rd house: you have a lot to say, but don’t know how to bring the message. forming the right words is hard for you. try to seek for help from someone that is able to help you without making your message into something else. ixion in this house could also mean that you know what you want to tell, but have problems speaking to others or to a group.

4th house: ixion in this house could indicate trouble with your family. if not family, you might have a hard time understanding where your beliefs come from, where your ideas are rooted. try to find someone who can help you with your family, who can also see the things from both sides.

5th house: you’re very creative but don’t know how to express it. all your ideas bubble up inside your head but you’re just unable to make art out of it. maybe you can find someone who is able to help you express yourself or even express your ideas for you. or just have fun making your own art, it doesn’t have to be professional to express yourself.

6th house: you have a hard time managing stress or mental problems. these feelings feel like they’re wrong in your head and as if they’re not supposed to be there. but they are there, so you have to find help with handling these emotions and pressure. it’s okay to feel down from time to time, but make sure your stress doesn’t get in control of your body.

7th house: you don’t know what kind of things you seek in others, but you like having connections with others (even if you’re introverted). you want to maintain good relationships with others but have trouble with how to do so. let the other person help you, and ask them questions like what they want, in this way you’re hopefully able to get out of the relationship what you want.

8th house: sex and taboos are one of your big interests, but you’re ashamed of this too, because these things don’t come to you naturally. you’re probably clumsy when doing or talking about these subjects. even though it can be awkward, let other help and teach you.

9th house: you’re indecisive about your life path. you’re not sure how to reach your goals in higher thinking and don’t trust enough that what you’ve already learned. but look out for people that want you to it their way, since this probably annoys you. find someone that helps you find your own path.

10th house: you don’t know what you want to become in life. what are your dreams and goals? you probably have a lot of ambition but don’t know what to do with it. find someone who can help you with fulfilling or finding your dreams and goals. it’s okay to make the wrong choices as long as you do the right thing in the end.

11th house: you might be an unstable person when it comes to group things. even though you like being around other people, when the group gets to big, you’ll probably feel like you’re at the wring place. let yourself enjoys these things too by letting other people guide you when you feel this way.

12th house: you might have troubles with addiction. you’re interested in more spiritual or unreachable things, but it also scares you. you try to get away from it and handle it through addictive things. don’t ignore you problems and learn to accept them. you don’t have to do this alone, and it’s even better to do this with professional help.

varuna (20000)

find your varuna sign and house by going to astro.com —> horoscopes —> extended chart selection —> fill in your information and put 20000 at the manual entry under additional objects

varuna was one of the gods of the sun from an unknown folk. these sun gods had to protect the world from the chaos. this folk lived around the vedic time period, a time where among other things vedic astrology came from. vedic means something like ‘to know’ or ‘knowledge’ and corresponds with the latin word ‘videre’ which means ‘to see’.

varuna in the birth chart is about being present and alert or where your attention is focused. varuna is exalted in leo and libra. where varuna is located in your chart is where you’re in touch with your higher being, but only after you all your fears, sadness and desires are absorbed and transformed into a door for you to open and for you to be able to visit the universe.

varuna in;

1st house: new people, socializing and new experiences scare you, but in a weird way you’re attracted to them too. the curiosity comes from your inner self trying to tell you to get over your fears and have the courage to explore the world. only then you’ll be able to find your port to the universe.

2nd house: your too focused on your possessions and money. you try to avoid tje lessons you have to learn by buying all your unnecessary desires. only if you are more minimalistic you’ll be able to learn from these lessons and find your place in the universe.

3rd house: you’re scared of getting the meaning of someone’s message wrong. you want to decided on your own which messages you allow in to your brain. by doing this the spontaneous element of having a conversation misses. despite your sorting of the messages you receive, you want to maintain contact with people. by letting go of your control you’ll be able to get the knowledge and lessons life is trying to give you.

4th house: your family and roots have an important message for you, but you’re too focused on taking care of others. you’re scared if what your roots try to tell you. if you want to fully connect to your higher being, you have to face this message and learn from it.

5th house: you’re scared of getting creative and doing creative things. it’s scary because you feel like it isn’t good enough. you have a great creativity but are scared to use it. you try to push it away but if you let yourself do the things you love the most, you can learn form its lessons.

6th house: you push your health, emotional and physical, away. you try to control it but that only makes it worse. but your health always wants to tell you something, but you’re scared for the message. you have to learn to stop pushing your own health away to get the good message out of what the universe wants you to learn.

7th house: you’re too focused on trying to find close relationships. you’re scared you won’t be enough and are picky of the people you choose. you have to learn to let these people come to you instead of you trying so hard to fund them, only then you’ll be able to receive the lessons they try to teach you.

8th house: change and transformation are fears of yours. the fact that things could get worse instead scare you. you try to stay the same, but only after a transformation you will learn from it, even if it went wrong. by change you will learn the lessons of the universe.

9th house: you’re too fixed on your philosophical journey. as if you want to learn form the lessons the universe want to tell you so bad. you try so hard but that only keeps the message away. let the message come to you to be able to fully find your answers and connection to the universe.

10th house: you’re goals are too important to you and take to much of your attention. you get overworked due to it or ignore other important things in life. try to not let your work take the fun from life. only by letting go of your goals you’ll be able to connect to your higher self.

11th house: group connections and social networks scare you, but at the same time you want to be a part of them. it has a lot for you to learn, but you’re afraid of what it is that you have to learn. once you admit to these clubs you can connect to the universe.

12th house: your very curious about the unknown, mysteries of life and becoming spiritual. the only thing that holds you back are your fears. you’re scared it will go wrong. but it won’t as long as you stay true to your believes, in that way you’ll be able to fully commit to your higher self.

huya (38628)

find your huya sign and house by going to astro.com —> horoscopes —> extended chart selection—> fill in your information and put 38628 at the manual entry under additional objects

huya is an astroid not that far away from pluto. huya’s mythological name is juyà or juyakai. the name huya originates from the rain god from the wayuu folk in venezuela.

huya in your birth chart is all about stress and mental disfunction caused by too much pressure. you have to look at your way of acting where huya is located in you chart. there where huya is, is time for relaxation.

huya in;

1st house: don’t be afraid to be yourself. the feeling of stress occurs to you when you fully are yourself. you might want to rely on someone else, but being on your own is important too. be true to yourself and your identity, don’t try to be or rely on someone else.

2nd house: the feeling of spending money or following daily routines and habits are stress triggers for you. you probably feel like you’re overly possessive and have a hard time letting them go. you also might feel that too many things are important, try prioritizing and let the real values come through.

3th house: you feel stressed when it comes to communication, you get overwhelmed by conversations. you sometimes have a hard time being flexible and spontaneous which can lead to giving of the wrong signals. you are probably a lot in your head, so look out for overthinking and suppressing your ideas and emotions.

4th house: you home and roots feel pressured and might stress you out. thinking about your family scares you. you might have the urge to take care of your friends and family but you have no idea how. try to find a way where you can spend time with your family and where you let your emotions be valid too.

5th house: you’re suppressing your self expression and sometimes feel like you’re turned into stone, as if you can’t be playful enough. you might have a hard time giving your own luck and pleasure priority. learn to let yourself have fun (through expression but also through sexuality, sensuality and love) and to be different from others.

6th house: you feel like you aren’t enough and try to cure this by taking too much care of others. your own needs are important too. the responsibilities of others aren’t there for you to take care of. if you don’t let go of this service, a lot of stress will cross your path and will physically exhaust you.

7th house: this placement might indicate commitment issues due to your fear and stress of close (romantic) relationships. try to not forget that these relationships only exist to make you feel happy. also marriage could be a fear or yours, or just the general idea of making it official. just remember to take care of the things needed to maintain the relationship.

8th house: all the taboos like sex, death and sexuality are a no go for you. you fear these subjects, but can’t stop the curiosity towards them. try to learn to it’s okay to talk about such subjects. this placement could also cause fear of change and transformation, but remember that these things only happen for good reasons.

9th house: you have a hard time finding your believes and morals. your mind can be a chaotic place, especially when it comes to thinking about your higher believes. you are always in a search for meaning. all of this causes you too much stress. try to not look for the deeper meaning of things actively, but let them come to you. this placement could also indicate fear and stress when traveling (a long distance).

10th house: you feel lots of pressure in your career. the way others view you might cause lots of fear and pressure. your public image is too important to you, try to be not that hard on yourself when working or going out in public by setting boundaries and goals.

11th house: you don’t want to be hold back by society. you’re afraid that you won’t be enough when committing to a certain group or thing and get scared and stressed by doing so. you have to try to respect social norms and live by them. let yourself be inspired by groups, but let yourself have to chance to do it your way too.

12th house: you are scared of the unconscious and limitations of your mind and thoughts. the search of finding your spiritual goals are too pressured. you might have a hard time letting go of the strings that tie you to earth. you’re probably too grounded and need to let go of this to be able to fulfill your spiritual journey.

 Happiness by Shuzo OshimiRaqiya by Boichi and Masao YajimaChildren of the Sea by Daisuke Igaras Happiness by Shuzo OshimiRaqiya by Boichi and Masao YajimaChildren of the Sea by Daisuke Igaras Happiness by Shuzo OshimiRaqiya by Boichi and Masao YajimaChildren of the Sea by Daisuke Igaras Happiness by Shuzo OshimiRaqiya by Boichi and Masao YajimaChildren of the Sea by Daisuke Igaras Happiness by Shuzo OshimiRaqiya by Boichi and Masao YajimaChildren of the Sea by Daisuke Igaras Happiness by Shuzo OshimiRaqiya by Boichi and Masao YajimaChildren of the Sea by Daisuke Igaras Happiness by Shuzo OshimiRaqiya by Boichi and Masao YajimaChildren of the Sea by Daisuke Igaras
  • Happiness by Shuzo Oshimi
  • Raqiya by Boichi and Masao Yajima
  • Children of the Sea by Daisuke Igarashi
  • Levius by Haruhisa Nakata
  • Kengan Omega by Daromeon and Yabako Sandrovich
  • Shamo by Izo Hashimoto and Akio Tanaka
  • Astroid by Keiichi Koike

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Astroid | Keiichi Koike
