#at least to me


So Spamton was the one of the only people to mention Kris’ soul, which he wants to steal trade for whatever [Hyperlink Blocked] is, and NO ONE made an au where he succeeds and the soul/player starts controlling him?

I’m basically only reacting to what people in the tag are saying so I may not have the full context and I’m definitely not trying to defend druck but….. I don’t think anyone has ever asked for my verbal consent before kissing me, is that a thing?? before sex sure but kissing? like you just read the signs and mood of the situation and go for it (and get rejected if you end up misinterpreting the signs lmao)

Eyes from 2014 to 2022

I was looking through my digital art and realized I have been constantly changing the way I draw eyes, like every year or so. Some features were kept and some were switched out for new ones. Honestly I haven’t been happy with the way I draw eyes for a long while, it’s the main reason why my fairytale dresses series had so simple eyes :/

This has me amazed and conflicted at the same time, BUTif you want to take something from this presentation of my art thru out the years, know that art is a skill that can be developed. You can only get better at it by practicing. When I started out digital art I was using a mouse and barely any layers. And now I use the maximum amount of layers(I amexaggerating only a little)
