#at spoilers


fluffy bird friend requires petting!


serenade your gf hours


Susan Strong (2x18)

Princess Bubblegum: I bet they have a ton of stories about your human relatives.
Finn: Um… not really. I’ve never even met any other humans. If I think about it too much, I get all soul-searchy and weeeeiiirrrd… 


Reboot (7x39)

Princess Bubblegum: Finn! What the heck is going on here?



“A stranger is just someone you haven’t taken candy from yet!” -Jake the Dog

only a cartoon like Adventure Time could bring us a finale about a super-buff cyborg lady with weird muscular nipples crushing a small boy with her foot until his arm turns into vines and detaches from his body to form a cocoon around a sword made from and inhabited by a clone of his soul that subsequently gives birth to a chubby little grass man and have that as a cliffhanger MEAN SOMETHING to its fans

time to catch up on adventure time since finn is dead apparently

never followed at but heard y’all got yerselves some gays. nice

You already know. Can’t finish the piece since I gotta drive a sis to school tomorrow morning, but YOU ALREADY KNOW what is to come soon because the at/bubbline fandom popped the biggest bottles tonight in the best way possible <3

i cried guys, cry along with me

A doodle to join in on the Bubbline celebration! My heart is so happy ❤❤❤
