#attollo game

Commission for dear @attollogameI absolutely love this project and all your characters there! Thank Commission for dear @attollogameI absolutely love this project and all your characters there! Thank Commission for dear @attollogameI absolutely love this project and all your characters there! Thank Commission for dear @attollogameI absolutely love this project and all your characters there! Thank Commission for dear @attollogameI absolutely love this project and all your characters there! Thank

Commission for dear @attollogame
I absolutely love this project and all your characters there! Thank you for this beautiful opportunity. 
I wasn’t sure about Vasilisa’s outfit so I played a bit with colours, I hope you enjoy this too! I’m always happy to see you and your OCs :3

Stay safe and have a good week!

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Shadows seem to pour from every corner, smothering the light that once washed the room in white until you’re sitting in an abyss. Pariah stands and watches you, and for a moment it feels like they’re farther away than they actually are. You look down and see nothing but inky blackness at your feet. ( cit. @attollogame)

I think it’s obvious by now that I have a soft spot for Pariah. Happy birthday, my beloved!

« True power knows its own worth—it doesn’t need to be thought about, or pondered upon like some poor mans philosopher.“ Dreamwalker looks back at the two of them with a small, wicked smile on his lips. "When you get to stand up here and look down at the people below, you have such power."» ( cit. @attollogame)

But who is the one who has the real power? Dreamwalker, or someone else? Who pulls the strings? However this was supposed to be just the polished version of a sketch, but at some point I got carried away.

Below there is the image of Dreamwalker without a creepy W in the background.

This picture was originally inspired by this amazing portrait by pilyeon.

« “Very well, then.” Pariah pushes themself off of the couch and glances towards you. They seem to be debating something before nodding their head, as though they’ve reached some conclusion, and reaching up to the edges of their helmet. You freeze in place and notice that Deadlock has done the same; it seems like he wasn’t expecting this either. » ( cit. @attollogame)

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This was a journey! While I was drawing I kept changing my mind, so much so that at some point I started all over again, but in the end i’ve made it!

Special thanks go to Ames not only for creating Attollo, but also for helping me choose a design for Pariah.
