#au cop



Something | MYG

Pairing: Yoongi x Reader

Genre: smut, crack, DadYoongi!AU, BadCop!AU

Rating: M (18+)

Warnings: swearing, kissing, use of restraints, mention of choking, reference to previous sex, blood, allusions to murder, Yoongi is not a good guy here (ymmv)

Word Count: 1.1k

Disclaimers: NSFW, obviously I don’t own BTS - they just inspire me

Summary:His hand rises of its own accord, seeking the soft skin of your cheek. Craving one last gentle touch before…. “This could’ve been something, you know.” 

A/N: Another installment in the BadCop!AU! OC’s about to find out what happens when you fuck with Yoongi’s money. Spoiler alert: nothing good.

Unbeta’d as usual. I’d love to know what you think - my inbox is always open!

Part 2  Bad Cop Masterlist Part 4

“Please! You don’t have to do this.” 

Yoongi finishes binding your wrists to the back of the wooden chair, ignoring your pleas. Stupid. How could he be so fucking stupid?

He whips out his mobile phone from his silk pajama pants pocket and presses a button. A click and a voice. 

“Jimin. I’m going to need a cleanup. Yeah. At home.” 

Keep reading
