#au picnic



: boyfriend!Yuta (NCT) x reader

: fluff, smut, established relationship au, picnic au

: R (18+)

: kissing, nipple play, oral (f receiving) and masturbating

: 2.6k

: Your day off and Yuta decides to take you out on a picnic at the beach.

:thank you so much @doderyscoffee​ for looking over this for me and saving me from embarrassment 

Today is going to be a good day. 

It’s the first day off that you and Yuta have had off in a while. You both work in high-level corporate jobs, and sometimes you both get so busy that the days blur together. He is the creative director of an animation company, and you are the secretary of a powerful government official. You are lucky to watch a movie together, let alone take a shower together or be intimate with one other. It is a wonder that you were approved for the day off, and Yuta wants to take you on a picnic. 

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