#auden talks


just bc of some of the (very flattering, ty & ilysm) tags on recent posts, some clarification-

the color study digital paintings thing im On rn is painting overtop of screencaps (to varying degrees of sticking true to the details). EVEN as a very fast drawer otherwise, each of these has ended up taking like 4-9hrs lmao. so - no i’m not that good at realism drawing from set-aside references, usually, and no i cant nail color nuance from set-aside references hyper-realistically & consistently to remotely that degree. but also, theyre still hard as shit and time consuming to do lmaooo. just like. feel like i should clarify lmao

babystepping teaching my gen x friends from facebook groups how to use discord & ive never felt more millenial/gen z cusp than this

i sure love wish dot com

tag yrself as someone from this weird sticker book i got today

my hand bones hurting today at work:

me: ah fuck. thats what i get for playing vidoe games too hard last night.

it starts raining outside:

me: oh, nevermind, it was the rain. back to the vide games i go

someone wrote an ofmd fic bc of something i drew & i am so indescribably excited that i have to, like, prepare myself and make some food and wake myself up more before actually reading it so i can properly savor it
